chapter iii.

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"That's a nasty limp, (Y/N). How'd you get it?" Daichi questioned as you, him and Sugawara walked to class the next morning, his innocent question making you choke on your orange juice. The captain watched in concern as you coughed and spluttered, Sugawara wearing a handsome, devious smirk before patting your shoulder sympathetically.

"It's okay, (Y/N), use your words." Sugawara cooed gently, his tender tone making you blush before a vein bulged from your forehead and you smacked the boy over the head.

"Moron!" You shrieked, your eye twitching in rage at his light chuckle before you turned back to Daichi, a stubborn expression on your face. "I-I tripped on the way home."

"Well, you can rest easy in class now." Daichi reassured you, patting your shoulder comfortingly as all three of you walked into class, Sugawara secretly seething with jealousy at the contact. You waved to some of your friends from the other side of the classroom before you heard Daichi stall on his words, making you glance over at him curiously to see him pointing to your seat. "Um, (Y/N)?"

"Hmm?" You hummed in response, looking over to your seat before you saw why Daichi was warning you. In your usual seat, situated next to the classroom window, sat what seemed to be a new student, scrolling through his phone. He had shaggy hair as black as night and glaring, piercing maroon eyes, his face was as gaunt and defined as a statue; he was indeed relatively attractive. But attractive or not, he was still sitting in your seat. You turned to Daichi, giving him a reassuring smile before you walked over to the unknown pupil to reclaim your seat. The black-haired boy's eye caught you approaching him, a blush infecting his cheeks at the sight of your cute grin.

"You must be new. I'm (Y/N)." You greeted the stranger, holding your hand out to him as you stood in front of his desk before you flinched slightly when the boy shot up from his seat. You gulped when you realised how much he towered over you, his 6"0 staggering over your 5"6.

"H-Hideo Okihara." Okihara shyly introduced himself, taking a strong grip on your hand and shaking it a bit too eagerly. He then realised your focus was mainly on the chair he was sitting on moments ago before his face shifted to an expression of concern. "Am I in your seat?"

"It's no problem. So how are you settling?" You asked amicably, pulling up one of the empty chairs nearby and sitting on it so that you were facing Okihara. The black-haired boy let out a defeated sigh, scratching the back of his head.

"Ah, it's been rough. I came from Tokyo so I don't know anyone here." Okihara lamented with a downcast expression, the mention of the capital making you grin in surprise and leant against your desk.

"Tokyo, eh? A long way from home." You scoffed in shock, grinning when you made the black-haired boy blush. Sugawara watched intensely from afar as you and Okihara idly chatted, his eyes squinting as he glared at the two of you, especially after seeing the black-haired boy blush. After a few minutes of talking, you pondered on the fact he was from Tokyo. "Were you from Nekoma, by chance?"

"Yeah. How'd you know?" Okihara questioned, leaning back in shock with an impressed smile. You went to answer his question before something, or rather someone, cut you off.

"What's this about Nekoma?" Sugawara's voice popped out of thin air, making you jump as a strong arm wrapped around your shoulder. You glanced over at your secret boyfriend before dread washed over you as you identified his conflicted expression as jealousy, hoping he left the poor boy alone.

"Oh, Suga, the new guy's from Nekoma." You announced to the silver-haired boy as you shrugged off his arm, nudging him slightly when he shot you a sour look, reminding him that you were in class.

"Nekoma? I'll have to ask Yaku about you." Sugawara said with a sweet voice, making you sweatdrop at what you knew was fake sincerity and a clear attempt at intimidation. The silver-haired boy noticed Okihara shooting him an uneasy look before he swallowed his pride and stuck his hand out reluctantly. "Sugawara."

"Okihara..." The black-haired boy cautiously announced, taking your boyfriend's hand reluctantly and giving it a quick shake before plunging his hands back into his pockets, irking Sugawara. You heard the classroom door open and close, turning your head to see the teacher walking in before you stood up from your seat.

"Do you mind...?" You awkwardly asked, gesturing to the seat that Okihara was sitting on and waiting as he processed your request, shooting up from his seat with an embarrassed blush when he realised what you meant. A low growl rumbled in Sugawara's chest at your sympathetic giggle, his effort to withhold his smile becoming more and more arduous.

"Ah, right! Haha, sorry." The boy bashfully apologised, setting out of your seat and beaming as you moved past him and sat down in your seat.

"Don't worry about it, Okihara." You reassured the poor boy, waving to him as he walked to the back of the classroom to find another seat when you realised your envious boyfriend was still standing next to you. You rolled your eyes at Sugawara as he guarded you like a dog, glaring at Okihara as he sat down near the back. "Suga?"

"Yes~?" Sugawara cooed as his head snapped towards you, a tender smile on his face and sugar dripping off every word. But despite his sweet tone, a vein bulged from your forehead in annoyance.

"Shoo." You barked, pushing him away with your foot and into his seat, which coincidentally was right next to yours. Sugawara whined like a saddened puppy, his tenderness making you hiss in disgust before you looked towards the front of the classroom to concentrate on the teacher. Your phone suddenly went off, vibrating in your pocket and making you groan quietly before pulling your phone out. You suddenly blushed at the message that popped up on your screen, your vision slowly drifting to Sugawara before flinching at the sight of his predatory grin.

suga_dadi02: bathroom after class. make sure you're alone.

The end of class couldn't come soon enough; you quickly walked out of the door as soon as the bell rang and you gathered your belongings. Once you had reached the doorway to the bathroom, you let out a nervous sigh before walking in, spotting Sugawara leaning against one of the cubicles. Grinning at your fidgeting figure, the setter curled his finger towards him as he beckoned you to come forward, walking back into the cubicle. Lovestruck, you followed his instructions blindly and walked into the cubicle, letting out a submissive moan when his lips slammed against yours.

As Sugawara ravished you inside that little, measly stall, you had no knowledge of Okihara standing outside of the cubicles as he listened to your moans and cries intensely. Feeling his cock harden in his trousers, a conniving grin couldn't help but slip through his handsome features as he lifted his phone over the stall and took a quick picture.

Okihara glanced at the picture, a crazed glint glowing in his maroon irises at the sight of you being pinned against the wall by your best friend.

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