chapter viii.

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Your feet were numb. Numb from sheer exhilaration as your legs shook and bounced from anxiety, averting all eye contact with Sugawara to the moving scenery outside of the car. You couldn't face him, not knowing why you were feeling like this, your heart beating out of your chest and your body tingling from just being close to him. Ever since his "threat", Sugawara had also been staring out of the window and you had no clue what could be going through his mind, all you knew his face was twisted with conflict. Hoping that he wouldn't pounce on you, you reluctantly slid your hand over to his before brushing his fingers, flinching slightly when his gaze focused on your hands before it trailed up your arm to your face. Sugawara let out a relieved sigh before grinning sweetly, intertwining your fingers with his as your heart skipped a beat, the tremor in your chest making you avert your gaze. Ever since you witnessed Sugawara giving Okihara what he deserved, your body was hot with desire and adoration and your world was spinning, just wanting to pounce on the setter yourself.

"Matsushima Park." The driver grunted, turning around in his seat and causing you to quickly withdraw your hand from Sugawara's, causing him to let out a frustrated huff like a puppy who had their toy taken from them.

"Thank you." Sugawara thanked the driver dejectedly, before opening the door and climbing out with you following quickly. You waved off the car as it drove off before you looked around for Sugawara, spotting him leaning against the railing and looking over the town.

"Wow. it's been forever since we've been here." You gasped in awe, a grin on your face as you gazed over the town, watching the bustle and hustle of the people below you. Sugawara's eyes drifted over to you, a blush dusting over his cheeks at your unusually excited and contented expression.

"Yeah, I forgot how nice it is here." He murmured under his breath, not being able to take his eyes off of you as the gentle summer breeze rustled through your hair before jumping when you turned to him.

"Do you remember the last time we were here?" You queried, brushing off the fact you had just caught him staring at you.

"It was probably after-" Sugawara reminisced on the last time you were at the park before blushing at the memory of your first kiss when he caught your innocent gaze. "T-The kiss..."

"God, that felt like it was yesterday." You sighed in wonder, swinging your legs back and forth like a child as you gazed at the city below the park, you couldn't believe it had been over a year since you two got together. You then chuckled as you leant against the railing. "We never thought we'd end up with you punching someone's lights out."

"I'm sorry." Sugawara sighed sadly, his gaze downcast down the hill towards the town as you looked over at him with concern at his apology.

"Suga?" You asked worriedly, straightening your posture before gently squeezing his shoulder comfortingly, giving him a sympathetic smile when he hesitantly looked over at you.

"I shouldn't have-" Sugawara deplored, cutting himself off with a frustrated sigh and covering his face in anguish. "I'm pathetic."

"Suga, he deserved it for being a creep." You reassured your distressed boyfriend, resting your chin on his shoulder as you wrapped your arms around his waist and smiled when you felt his muscles relax under your touch.

"I just love you so much, just seeing you around him drives me crazy." Sugawara admitted, rubbing the back of his neck bashfully when you pressed a soft kiss to the back of his neck. You scoffed at the statement before pulling away, noticing the dejected whine that left your boyfriend's lips.

"Trust me, he drives me crazy too." You joked, shaking your head in disapproval at the thought of the black-haired boy and his behaviour. Sugawara sighed in relief, glancing up at you when you moved into the vacant space next to him before grinning and leaning his head against your shoulder.

"I'm so glad I chose you to fall in love with." Sugawara murmured sweetly, his public display of affection making your body hot and your mind going stir-crazy.

"D-Don't just say stuff like that!" You exclaimed, pushing at his head stubbornly and scowling bashfully when he laughed at your tsundere-like reaction. Sugawara took his hands off the railing and shoved them in his pocket before seizing up when he felt his fingers brush the item he bought in the shop. He felt his heart freeze in dread and anxiety, pondering on whether it was too early to back out now but despite his nervousness, doing this felt right. Everything with you just felt right.

"There's... something I want to ask you." Sugawara gasped anxiously, taking his hands out of his pockets and grasping your hands as he took them off the railing, capturing your attention. "You know what you said earlier? About wanting to spend the rest of your life with me?"

"V-Vaguely." You murmured bashfully, averting your gaze to the town and blushing wildly at the recollection of your quite dramatic outburst. Sugawara chuckled at your stubbornness and lifted his hand from the railing, placing his hand on your burning cheek and brushing his thumb over your cheekbone.

"Well, I thought about it and... I want that too." Sugawara declared, finally mustering enough courage to ask the question he's been wanting to ask you for longer than he would like to admit.

"(Y/N), you are the love of my life. I want to wake up to you every day, I want to have kids with you one day and I want to grow old with you." Sugawara confessed, feeling his heart skip a beat when your eyes widened and a red blush infected your cheeks before opening your mouth to answer, only for your words to betray you. You felt like your head was about to explode as all of the gears in your brain went haywire, your lips quivered as Sugawara's hazel irises bore into your soul.

"S-Suga, you're not-" You asked with a cautious tone before gasping when he pulled out a small, velvet box, his eyes nervously concentrated on your face to gauge your reaction. "Oh my god."

"(Y/N) (L/N), you were the first guy I've ever dated. And the only one I ever want to be with, for the rest of our lives." He professed boldly, his cheeks burning red with a determined expression as his teary eyes bore into yours. Sugawara took a deep breath to steady his pounding heart before giving you a gentle smile and opening the small box. Inside laid a simple, pure band of silver with no jewels or diamonds with the price tag still on it. It may have been a simple ring with no accessories but you wouldn't want anything else; it was like your love for each other. Pure and simple. You waited anxiously on the next words to come out of his mouth. "Will you ma-"

"SUGA!" You shrieked, unattractive tears streaming down your face as you tackled the boy onto the ground, wrapping your arms around his neck and burying your face into the crook of his neck. Sugawara let out a huff when he was winded as he hit the ground before he smiled from ear to ear and coiled his arms around your waist, shushing you as you sobbed into his neck.

"I'll take that as a-" Sugawara joked before flinching when you pressed your lips against his passionately, your cheeks drenched with tears with your arms supporting yourself on either side of his head. His eyes were left wide from your forward action before he hummed happily, his eyes slipping closed as you deepened the kiss. You moaned at the feeling of his tongue, lifting one of your hands to caress his cheek as Sugawara sat you onto his lap, passionately kissing you in the middle of the park. You whimpered sadly when he pulled away reluctantly, stifling a devilish grin at the sight of his wrecked expression.

"(Y-Y/N), we're in public..." Sugawara panted heavily at the feeling of your crotch rubbing against his, moaning quietly at the feeling of your hands running through his hair. You grinned, leaning into his ear and blowing on it, giggling at the shiver running down his spine.

"My bedroom, then~?" You purred, brushing your hand over his cheek.

Sugawara gulped in anticipation, astounded by this side of you he's never seen before, even when you were ravaged with lust and desire. He took the ring out of the case, holding his hand out and smiling gleefully and lovingly when you laid your hand in his. Your heart hammered against your ribcage as he gently slipped the promise ring onto your ring finger, giggling when he pressed a bashful kiss to your cheek. You squeaked when Sugawara stood up and brought you up to full height with him before he dragged you off towards the taxi waiting up the street.

You couldn't help but grin when you saw that the tips of his ears were red.

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