Ch. 13

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It's Friday, Lizzie has a day off today so are you. After the busy weeks since your first day of working as her assistant, all you want is just to relax at home all day and sleep early. You actually regretted telling Aubrey that you need more than a party after dealing with a boss like Lizzie because that made you sound like you want to go to the party when you actually don't. As much as you don't want to go but you know how Aubrey is, she already said she won't take No for an answer when she invited you. After running errands and spending time with your mom, you got ready for the party before Aubrey sent a search team to your house and dragged you to the party.

So here you are, in your car parked in front of her huge house. You walked to the front door, music and people chattering inside the house can be heard from where you stand, it's loud enough to let the neighbours know where the party is but not at a troublesome level of loudness. You ring the bell and a bottle of wine is on your other hand.

"Y/n! You made it!" Aubrey greeted you with a wide smile and opened the door wider for you to get in then gave you a welcome hug. "Of course! I don't want you to send a search team to drag me here. Also, I got this for you." You playfully replied and handed her the wine. "Good thinking! You know me very well. Thank you, love!" She winked at you.

Aubrey grabbed your wrist and pulled you to come with her to the bar. As you are walking, you check out the surroundings. Quite a lot of people came, you see some familiar celebrity faces but some you didn't recognize the faces who you thought might be Aubrey's other circle of friends. Gooey - by Glass Animals plays in the background mixed with people's voices talking and laughing. As soon as you both got to the bar, you saw a familiar figure and Aubrey tapped his shoulder to turn around.

"OMG!! Look who's finally here! Hi beautiful! How are you?" Mitchel squealed with excitement as he pulled you by both of your arms to give you a cheek to cheek greeting kiss. "Hi handsome. I'm good. How are you?" You smiled. "Oh I'm fabulous! How was your Paris trip? I heard what happened from Aubrey." He asked with a knowing smile. Aubrey came with two cocktails for you and her. "Oh, it was good but you know, working with Olsen is like riding a roller coaster with lots of loops and drops." You shook your head and rolled your eyes followed with a sigh. "I'm sorry Aubrey, no offense. I didn't mean to talk bad about your best friend behind her back with you." You added as you took the drink from her and took a sip.

"Oh none taken. Don't worry. I know you were just answering Mitch's question. Oh and Mitchel, thank God y/n was with us, I didn't know she could speak French. It was really helpful there and sexy too!" Aubrey joined the conversation and of course she had to throw a harmless tease in it like usual.

"Oh yeah, my girl right here is like a walking dictionary of five different languages. I'm so proud of her." Mitch wrapped his arm over your shoulder around your neck and gave you a quick peck kiss on your cheek.

"Wow y/n! That's impressive! Mitch, can I just switch Y/n to be my personal assistant?"

"Well, It depends. If you are like Olsen, then I would say no to you." You joked in a slight sarcasm even before Mitch responded to her.

"Oh come on! I told you she's actually a sweet person, it will just take a little time to see the sweet Lizzie. Trust me." She playfully slapped your arm while she's defending her best friend, Mitch noticed Lizzie coming towards the three of you after she had a chat with her other celebrity friends. "I agree with Aubrey and speak of the devil." Mitchel flicked his eyes in the direction of the incoming Lizzie from across the room. Three of you turn your heads to Lizzie as a reflex from what Mitch said.

"Hi guys." Lizzie greeted as she finally stood in front of you. "Hey Liz! I was looking for you around. You remember Mitchel right?"

"Of course! I have met him a few times. How can I forget this charming gentleman? Hi Mitchel." Lizzie put her arm out to give him a hug and he instantly jumped to her arm to hug her back. "Hi sweetheart! Good to see you tonight. How's everything?" His smile high to his eyes.

Lost in Assistance (Elizabeth Olsen x FemReader)Where stories live. Discover now