Ch. 26

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You slowly stir up from your slumber. The position of the couch by the window makes the sunlight to easily wake you up. You slowly open your eyes but you close it right away because the hangover you are having from last night's drinking makes you feel that your eyes are burning from the sunlight.

You put your hands covering your eyes and groan softly. You turn your head to different directions and slowly open your eyes, letting them adjust with the light and you see Lizzie's empty bed. Then you realize and slowly remember what happened last night. You also remember that you were cold with no blanket last night but you woke up warmly tucked under a cozy blanket. You figured Lizzie did it. Your head is pulsing a little.

When you start to move your leg, you feel a little weight on your feet. So you sit up to check what it is only to find a perfectly folded t-shirt, shorts and a towel. On top of it there is a little note with Lizzie's hand writing on it. "Going to the supermarket for our breakfast, I'll be right back =) ." You smiled at the smiley face she drew and thinking that it's cute she put the clothes on your feet because she remembers you rarely move when you sleep. It amazes you how she remembers more and more things about you. You are smiling like an idiot right now, folding her note for you to keep it. You can smell her scent from the clothes and the towel you are holding in your arms as you get up to take a shower.

As soon as you are done from the shower and get changed, you smell coffee. You walk into the kitchen to find Lizzie just started making breakfast. She heard your footsteps. "Good morning sleepy head." She didn't look at you, focusing on what she was doing. "Good morning, Ms. Olsen." You smiled.

By the time you stand closer to you, her gaze is locked to you and she is frozen instantly as if she forgot what she was doing. She is astonished with how adorable you look in her favorite oversize t-shirt and shorts. Yes, the shirt that she let you wear is her favorite but she wants you to wear it, she wants to see you in it and now she thinks that you are even more adorable in it than she imagined or expected but the main reason she is frozen is seeing you and your smile first thing in the morning gives her infinite comfort. Warmth spreading up arm and into heart. It makes her feel she's... home.

When you see her finally look at you, you are as frozen as she is. She looks adorable with her messy bun hair. Even though her eyes look a little puffy but it's nothing compared to all the unblemished details of her inside and outside beauty she has. She is just so enchanting.

You tried to disguise your feelings and expressions. "Is there something on my face?" You pretend to wipe your face to check if there is something on your face. She smiles then followed by a chuckle. "Oh nothing, that shirt looks better on you." Her cheeks turn crimson. "Oh thank you. And thank you for letting me borrow it. I will wash it and give it back to you as soon as possible." You rub the back of your neck nervously.

"It's okay, you can have it. If you don't want it, just keep it with you just in case I need it someday for an emergency." She said it nonchalantly. Your eyebrows furrowed, thinking what she just said. She noticed and realized she shouldn't joke like that. She is worried that if you take it the wrong way or misunderstand and think she is not being professional to you. As usual how she disguises her embarrassment, she gives you a sarcastic remark. "So are you going to help or just stand there the whole time y/n?"

"Oh uh yeah, sorry. What can I do to help?" You walk closer to her in the kitchen. "Just start cooking the bacon." She commanded you and you obliged. "I made iced coffee for you. I don't have a cold brew machine, so I started the coffee early, let it cool down and made iced coffee in my own way." She hands you the iced coffee she made. "Thank you, Ms. Olsen. You shouldn't have. I don't mind hot---" Lizzie interrupted you. "Just enjoy your iced coffee y/n, really." You take a sip of it and compliment it. You see from the corner of your eye that she is smiling from your compliment.

Lost in Assistance (Elizabeth Olsen x FemReader)Where stories live. Discover now