The Screams Within Me

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24 Jan, 2022

"Hello, son!" Bojan exclaimed, holding a gun in his right hand. "How are you this fine evening?" He raised his arm and cocked the gun, and Felucca widened his eyes before jumping to the side. The man rushed behind the couch, and Bojan walked inside, cocking his pistol yet again.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Felucca called. "When did you escape?"

"Oh, never mind that," Bojan scoffed, slowly approaching the edge of the couch. "Why did you tell Pandora?"

"She made me, you dickhead!" Felucca called back. "She made me tell her. How the fuck did you even know?"

"Oh, he hasn't told you?" the old man laughed. "He's been playing you all like a fiddle!"

"What? Who?" Felucca exclaimed.

"Oh, I shan't tell you now, that would take out all the fun!" Bojan smirked, getting closer and closer to the edge of the couch. He could see the tip of his son's hair sticking out at the end, and the old man gave a grin. "Or maybe, you won't get the fucking chance."

With that he shot again, but Felucca ducked out of the way just in time yet again. The bullet pierced his thigh, but he was able to grab onto Bojan's heel. The escapee fell to the ground onto his back, another shot firing away and breaking the glass of the window. Felucca stood up, hand on his wound, and hobbled towards the kitchen. He was able to get behind the counter, and he could hear Bojan standing up behind him.

Shakily, he peered his head over the counter to get a view, and almost instantaneously a bullet chipped off the edge of the marble surface not one inch from the young man's face. Bojan approached carefully, breathing heavily and tightening his grip on the gun. He reached the counter, and peered his head over. He could not see Felucca, and so sped around the corner and shot.

But Felucca wasn't there. Bojan looked around the kitchen in shock, and an instant later heard his son screaming from behind. The old man turned to see Felucca jumping upon him with a kitchen knife, and before long the two were scrambling around on the floor. Felucca was able to stand up, and hobbled out the back door. Bojan fumbled to get up, and when he did he scrambled to grab the mirror on the counter. He looked at it, and saw a large, red scar reaching from his forehead to his cheek - cutting through his eye.

The old man followed outside, climbing over the back fence onto the street. Felucca was nowhere to be seen, and so Bojan walked down the street attentively. But then he heard a dog start barking, and turned around to trace the noise.

For Felucca, to escape, had jumped over his neighbour's fence and hid in the bushes. But not long after he did so, the young man realized that there was a dog across the lawn, with foam bubbling from its jaw, and it had started ragefully charging towards him.

Bunny jumped out of the way, and Talia instead collided with the back door. The knife shattered the glass, and Bunny instinctively shoved Talia into the living room. "You bitch!" called Jacob from across the hall, who had started hobbling towards her.

Bunny began crawling out of the glass frame of the back door, and Jacob hurried his pace. Eventually, Bunny fell out, but she was too slow. For Jacob had reached through and grabbed a hold of her hair, pulling her head back through into the interior of the home. She could see Talia approaching back, blood leaking from her forehead, holding the knife once more.

"I actually quite like you, Bunny," the old woman sighed, putting the knife to the young woman's throat. "If only you didn't fucking come back."

"Wait!" called a voice from behind, and the two turned to see Renata bustling through the front door. "Mum, what the fuck are you doing?" Bunny took her chance, and escaped Jacob's grip before running off into the night.

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