The Mother of Christ and her Ungodly Children

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25 Dec, 2021


My face hit the floor and I felt a chill down my body. I felt my bare skin brush against the ice as I struggled for air. I slowly opened my eyes and looked upon the cold, desolate room, with ice for its floors, walls and roof. There was but a single, copper door with a frozen glass circular window near the top of its arch. Across the glass and through the ice I could barely see a face peering in at me, but I knew who it was. I knew Liam had thrown me in here and was now jeering at the thought of being rid of me. Soon his wish would be fulfilled.

This never would have happened if we just treated Liam better last year. Then, he would have been fine.


17 Feb, 2021


The cult leader began descending from the column, and when he got closer I realized who he was. Horrified, I grabbed Liam by the arm and ran away. For the cult leader was the same man who seduced my father twenty years ago.

The cult leader was Bojan.

I more or less dragged Liam to the car, and shoved him in. We drove away, and the whole time he was trying to convince me to turn back. But I wasn't listening. Why should I? Did Liam know who the cult leader was to me? No - he couldn't. If he did, he would have known I would have reacted like this. He wouldn't have even tried to get me in the cult, if he had an ounce of common sense.

I arrived at Eve's house, and slammed my foot down on the brakes. I pushed Liam out, and stomped to the door, dragging him by the ear. I knocked twice, hard and thorough. The door soon opened, and Eve was standing there looking a mess.

"Eve, take your brother," I breathed furiously. "Don't let him out of your sight. Make him stay on your couch, if you must. Just don't let him go anywhere without you."

With that, I pushed Liam in and ignored Eve's plees as I turned and stormed back to the car. Fuck. Holy fucking shit. I drove home, and called Pandora. But she didn't pick up. Odd. She always answers if it's me that's calling. So instead, I called Felucca, and he didn't pick up either. Fuck.

I sunk into my bed, and cried myself to sleep.

25 Feb, 2021

Jesus Fucking Christ. Felucca and Pandora still aren't fucking talking to me? I can't talk to Eve - I told her to protect Liam and I can't speak to him right now. In one fucking night, I lost my fucking family. And I don't even know why I fucking lost the two people closest to me; Felucca and Pandora.

You know what? Fuck them. I don't need them. All I've ever needed is myself. If everyone else is going to treat me like shit, why the fuck should I treat them any different? Fuck them, man.

Later in the year I'm going to find a man, and get married. And I'm going to adopt a beautiful little boy and name him Geoffrey after my father. And I won't need any of these fuckheads. Everything will be perfect.

2 Oct, 2021

You know what? Fuck it. Tomorrow, I'll finally do it. I'm finally going to adopt Geoffrey. Sure, the man ended up being a fucking weirdo and a creep, but nevertheless. And sure, I'm pregnant, but that doesn't mean I can't adopt. That way my son will have a big brother to look up to, and Geoffrey will have a little brother to pick on when I'm not looking.

Tomorrow, I'll do it. Tomorrow, I'll adopt him.


4 Mar, 2021


"Come on, Liam!" Eve called.

I opened my eyes groggily and looked at her. "Oh, so now we're allowed to go somewhere?" I moaned. She kept me locked up in her house for two fucking weeks, all because of Bunny, and now she wants me to get up?

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