It's Theirs

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2 Jun, 2007

The priest finished off the eulogy, and Robert took a deep breath. He looked around to see Rigel and Reggie sobbing, but Jurgen seemed almost stagnant. This was his grandmother's brother, and in a family as close as this, surely he would be more upset?

Robert approached, but Jurgen turned around and began to walk away. And so the man took one last look at the grave of Teddyy, and chased after the young boy.

"Jurgen? Jurgen, what's wrong?" he asked.

"What's wrong?" he scoffed, turning back to face me. "As if you don't know. He - he just died, Uncle Rob, and I can't - I just can't deal with this right now."

"He loved you, Jurgen, perhaps more than anyone," the man reasoned. "He wouldn't want you to act like this. Come, now, Andre is balling his eyes out."

"He's 16!"

"He's a kid, Jurgen," Robert swallowed. "But his grandfather just died, and he needs as much support as he can get. Come on, Jurgen, please. For me. Come back. Andre needs his cousin to be there for him."

"Then he has two more," he shook his head. "I'm sorry, Uncle Rob, but in the state Mum is in she won't be around for long, and then once she's going I'll be left to take care of Rigel and Reggie. I - I can't do that. Goodbye, Uncle Rob."

"Wait!" he called out, but it was too late. Jurgen had run off into the woods, and within a few days the young man had already arranged to stay with a few friends over in Allansby. He's a 24 year old man, and he's a coward. Shortly afterwards Andre approached Robert and told him he wanted to move out. I mean, he seems underage, but it's okay. He's fine. I'll keep him safe, just like Teddy kept me safe. He'll be fine.


13 Feb, 2022


"Okay," Paula nodded. "Fine."

This has to be a trick, right? She must have some sort of plan. Otherwise, why would she join us? But then, why does Bojan suddenly trust her so entirely? But either way, it was quickly packed up and soon we were back at our base, trying to go back to sleep. For some reason, Peter wasn't here, but I'm sure we'll see him tomorrow. Won't we?

"Hey, Jacob?" Talia whispered. "I - I think I'm having doubts about Bojan."

"Oh?" I asked. "How come?"

"I - I don't know. He's slimy, Jacob, can't you tell?" she sighed. "He's a villain."

"If you say so." I rolled my eyes and turned onto my side, trying to go to sleep.

14 Feb, 2022

Jesus Christ, Paula, why did you accept? Surely you don't care about James so much that you would actively help us? He's my fucking son, and I don't even give a shit. Why are you here? Why are you like this? And so I attacked her, without really thinking much about it. I deadnamed her for good measure, and walked away. Normally I'd think of deadnaming as too far, like it's crossing a line. But with Paula? This bitch deserves that shit.

"Hey," I grinned as Talia approached. "Happy Valentine's Day."

"Yeah," she laughed. "Happy Valentine's Day. Hey, I just gotta go out, but I'll be back in a bit, yeah?"

"Sure," and so Talia ran out, into the street, and I sat in my chair calmly awaiting her return.

15 Feb, 2022

"Well, fuck you!" I shouted. "Bojan has done nothing but look after us. He is the reason I got out of prison, Talia, he is the reason we are back together in the first fucking place!"

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