The Christmas Virgin

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2 Aug, 2020


"Fuck me." Her high pitched voice moaned loudly as I answered the request. I had just wing-manned Andre, and Liam refused to let me help him find a girl. I, of course, the fucking man whore that I was, left him there as I pranced off with two strippers I know he always looks at.

What if he knew? Maybe that was why he acted so strangely tonight. No, he can't know. He would have confronted me about it already. Fucking Pandora, man. Why the fuck did she have to seduce me so heavily back in June? Now she was fucking pregnant and the child was mine. And on top of all that, she wanted to keep it. How the fuck was I meant to tell Liam that I fucked his sister?

As I was finishing off with the strippers, I saw Liam and a man going into a car, and I understood his slightly different behaviour. I was in the clear, for now at least.

7 Aug, 2020

I watched a movie last night. I can't remember the name, or much about it to be honest. But it was about this girl who was this total slut, and there was this serial killer going around. And she broke up with her boyfriend who she constantly cheated on anyway, and met this one guy at the pub who got her into his car. But it turned out that guy was the serial killer, and the messaging was to not be a slut. It was such a shit movie, I hated everything about it. But, it did scare me at a base level and I don't know why the fuck it did.

More than just scaring me though, it actively made me think. So today I went to the only gun store in town, to ensure my own safety.

"Hello Dad." I groaned when I saw that it was his shift.

He looked at me, and partly smiled, partly grimaced. I rolled my eyes, and walked past my shrill excuse of a father. "You haven't spoken to me in years." He stammered.

"Yeah, well if I had a choice I would have kept that as it was," I scoffed. "I need a gun, and this is the only one in town. I was hoping you wouldn't be on your shift."

He sighed, and we didn't say another word as I bought a pistol and walked out.

19 Aug, 2020

I arrived to the restaurant in my suit, but as I was about to enter I heard a voice calling me from behind. My heart clenched, and I subconsciously began to feel around for the gun. Jesus, I've fucked so many people and just left them the day after, I've almost certainly got a target on my head for somebody.

I turned and, to my surprise, saw Bunny smiling up at me. "Hey." She chimed.

"Hey," I answered. "What are you doing here?"

"Pandora got me to drop her off here a couple minutes ago, apparently Liam and Eve invited her to this - I don't really know to be honest with ya." She replied.

"Yeah, he's introducing them to his boyfriend," I assured. "He sent me a text, actually, saying I should come because the tension was too high."

"Oh, well good for him," she grinned. "So, you uh, going to the rescue?"

Then I got a text and checked it. Coincidentally enough, Pandora had apparently relieved most of the tension, and he didn't need me anymore. I looked back at Bunny, and explained to her.

"Well then, you planning on doin' anything else tonight?" She asked curiously.

"Nah, not really," I laughed back. "You?"

After a few drinks were drunk and a few hours passed, we were fucking happily in my bed. She was - perfect. Everything about her. How had I never noticed before now?

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