Heaven Deceased and Hell Unleashed

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6 Nov, 2020

"Andre?" Robert croaked. "Andre..."

"Yeah, Dad?" came a voice, and Robert flickered his eyes open to see his son leaning over him. "What is it?"

"I can feel myself going, Andre," he breathed. "I - I need to tell you - I need to..."

"No, Dad," he shook his head. "You had a heart attack, but they fixed you up. You're okay, Dad. You're going to be okay."

"Andre... I - I need to tell you..."

Robert's son gave a sigh, "Yeah?"

"I - on the 17th of February, 2022, I was teleported back in time to 1985," he panted. "From there, your grandpa Teddy adopted me. Please, Andre, please believe me. I - it's true, Andre, it's true."

"I know, Dad," he smiled. "I know it's true. You rest up now."

"No, you - you don't believe me!" he exclaimed. "Please, Andre, I'm not senile - I'm not crazy, Andre, just please believe me!"

And with that, the old man had another heart attack, and Andre watched in horror as the nurses flocked in. But it was no use. Less than half an hour later, he was dead.

17 Feb, 2022

Felucca watched the time machine in awe. It was perfect, it was working - all it needed was the power source. Soon enough Liam came in alongside James, and the four looked at each other.

"This is it, guys," Bunny breathed. "Everything is about to go down. There is a strong likelihood that we don't succeed, but in case we do, we all need to be clear on the mission. If at least one of us can go back, we need to try changing something. Anything. But just know that if we succeed, then all of this bad - it will stop existing. But so will all of the good. That is a sacrifice we are willing to make, us three I mean. I don't know about you, James, but if we do this - there will be a completely different course of history. Are we all in agreement?"

Liam and Felucca nodded, and James did the same after a moment of contemplation. Bunny gave a small smile, and they temporarily disbanded. James approached Felucca, and Liam watched them for a moment before taking a deep breath and walking up to Bunny.

"Hey," he smiled, and Bunny grinned back.

"Hey," she swallowed. "How are you holding up?"

"Pretty good," the man sighed. "I just - it never hit me, that stuff you said. Obviously we're getting rid of all of the bad, but can the bad really spoil the good things to that degree? Does the bad really outweigh all of the love, and joy, and heartbreak?"

"Well, that's up to you," Bunny smiled. "I - I'm not forcing you to do anything. Felucca and I, we made up our minds. We think the world would be a better place if our fucked up family didn't exist. But - that doesn't mean you have to. If you really think this world is worth saving, then by all means, try and save it. No matter what, we'll be with you. We will understand. We just - we won't be able to in good mind pursue this tragedy of a knot just for a few moments of bliss. Don't get me wrong, I see your point. But that's where I'm at..."

"Okay," he nodded. "Thank you, Bunny. I really do appreciate that."

"No worries," she smiled, before getting a call from Jurgen. Liam gave her a grin and walked away, and Bunny slowly paced to the corner of the room before answering. "Hey."

"Bunny! It - it's so good to hear from you."

"Jurgen, we spoke yesterday," she laughed. "But - it's good to hear from you too."

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