If You Say So

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25 Jan, 2022

"Jesus Christ, all of that happened?" Bunny exclaimed as Liam made breakfast.

"Yeah," Felucca nodded. "It was nuts. It was absolutely fucking nuts. I still can't believe what you said about Pandora and Rax, Liam."

"Well, it's true," Liam sighed. "Or didn't you see the six of them start magically fucking floating last night."

"No, no, we believe you," Felucca assured. "It just - it's crazy."

"So - is that everything?" Bunny asked. "Have we all got our stories straight? Do we all understand what the fuck happened yesterday?"

"Yeah," Liam nodded, bringing over a frying pan of eggs and beginning to place them on the plates. "I think so, at least."

"Yeah," Felucca swallowed, his mind suddenly becoming numb as his eyes focused on a singular point in the room. He had to tell them, didn't he? If he didn't, Pandora would. Only - Pandora is Rax now. Who knows how far Pandrax would go to achieve their goal. Who knows if this mystical being is going to tell anyone that Pandora is not Felucca's sister. Who knows whether or not any of Felucca's loved ones would soon despise him for the simple fact that he thought it would be best to stay in this world a good person rather than go back and change things, leaving him how he was before.

"Hello?" Bunny clapped, and Felucca snapped back into it. He looked around, almost confused.

"I asked if that was enough eggs?" Liam asked, signalling towards the man's plate.

"Yeah, yeah no that's fine," Felucca smiled. "Everything should be fine."

"Hey, Lucy," Renata smiled as she arrived at what she was now beginning to call home. The rugged mess of wood and brick that Pandrax had formed from the remains of Talia's home stood firm, despite its appearance. The woman approached the dog and lent down beside it, giving it a cuddle. Pandrax entered abruptly and posed.

"Where have you been?" They asked snappily, and Renata slowly got up to reply.

"Just - out," Renata sighed. "I'm sorry, Pandrax, but I can't stay confined in this house forever like you asked of us. I wish to go outside, experience the warmth. Don't you?"

"I tell you to stay because you are safe here," Pandrax frowned as they approached. "It has not even been a day, and you have already left! What can the Sun give you that I cannot? Hm? What can Helios give you that I don't already? I - I care for you, Renata."

"This has nothing to do with Helios," Renata shook her head. "And I care for you too, that's why I'm here - is it not? I just - every second you get closer to Pandora, to the woman who saved me from my life. But in the meantime, I have nothing I can do. I can simply wait, and long for you to finally be fully integrated with her."

"You don't want me," Pandrax shook their head. "You want her."

"I want both of you," Renata smiled. "Please, Pandrax, just let it go."

The being nodded and the two hugged, and James backed away from the door.

"What news?" Paula asked.

"They're getting closer," James swallowed. "I just - I don't know if we made the right choice. Pandrax killed a man last night, Paula."

"Well, what else were you to choose?" The woman smiled gently. "I - I wouldn't have followed you if you chose Jacob's side. I know I said I would, but after the shit I've seen him do - no. He - he killed - no, you don't need to know about that. This was - the only choice."

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