Scent of Moonlace (PerCalypso)

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OTP: PerCalypso

Percy Jackson and Calypso from The Battle of the Labyrinth

Brief introductions: I started shipping PerCalypso after that damn chapter in The Battle of the Labyrinth. RR did change my perception of the Calypso myth after reading that chapter. I mean when I studied The Odyssey, Calypso was some form of a b*tch but after The Battle of the Labyrinth, I understood her more. PERCABETH is canon. I know, right? You do not have to rub it in my face. Only a stupid gorgon would not believe that and part of my lifetime is dedicated to ship Percabeth. . But what PerCalypso had shared in Ogygia was something rare and beautiful and tragic. Besides, he bluntly said that SHE would always be his BIGGEST WHAT IF :)

Anyways, this story was just an excerpt from a short fanfic I wrote for PerCalypso. The story is entitled "Scent of Moonlace".

And for the next years, Calypso lived a miserable life thinking what could had happened had she tried to make Percy stay. She would always stand at the shore and stare at the tides hoping that he would show up again on the coast. She would always sit at the last place they'd been together, trying to remember what it felt like to be with him in that moment or how he looked under the starlit sky. He would always cross her mind from time to time. She tried convincing herself that their destinies did not intertwine. She would never have Percy. The hero had to save the world still, and she couldn't bear to be so selfish to keep the poor boy with her forever while the world under their feet turned upside down. So she thought, perhaps, she made the right decision to let him go even if it would leave her broken forever.

Several years later..

Calypso had been freed from the Island. Percy has succeeded in his prophecy. And as one of his rewards, he requested the gods to set free the good titans. Fortunately, Calypso was one of the newly released prisoners.

"Congratulations dear!" the less energetic Hermes greeted her. She heard that he lost his son during the second Titan War.

Though he didn't sound too enthusiastic, Calypso managed to smile and thanked him.

"Lord Zeus said that you can still have Ogygia as your home.. But of course, you can wander as free as the larks now. You're free."

"I wish to keep this place.." She uttered in a low voice.

"Yeah. Right." Hermes nodded. "Any other plans?"

"I want to see the outside world. I want to find.."

"Odysseus?" Hermes interrupted her. "O girl. Did I tell you before that he died long time ago?"

She shook her head softly. "I'm not finding Odysseus. The other hero.."

"The other hero?" Hermes asked, baffled.

Calypso drew a deep breath. "Percy Jackson. I want to find Percy Jackson."

"Err. You're kidding right?"

"No." She said firmly.

Hermes sighed. "Calypso.. Look. Three years has passed.. A lot of things have changed. And Percy.. Well, Percy is having a great time with his friends right now.. Do you think he would still remember you?"

Calypso remembered that morning she sent him away. She told him to remember her. He nodded and promised. She held on that promise. And now.. Hermes was asking her if the boy could still remember him?

"He promised.."

"They all did."

A knife stabbed her heart. Yes. All heroes promised. No one had dared to keep their promise. Will Percy join the cause?

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