Noona (Meahri x Collin)

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Meahri and Collin from the Gentleman's Dignity.

Title: Noona

Meahri stared at the window as the airplane she was riding flew over the busy city of Seoul, South Korea. It had been three years since she left her homeland to continue her graduate studies at the U.S. she was spending a great summer working at a café, trying to live an independent life while bugging her Yoon Oppa—one of the best friends of his older brother, Tae Sun. She had been obsessed with Cho Yoon since she was young. It was difficult when she had to leave him for the first time to pursue her college education. Leaving for the second time was harder for this time, it was not just any call of need but it was her own brother who was eager to send her back to U.S. to keep her away from Yoon. Tae Sun did not like Meahri to date Yoon, so he chose to send her away. Inasmuch as she wanted to stay, she did not wish to ruin the friendship her Oppas had. So instead of pursuing her own shot to a fairy tale romance, she went away to avoid further problems that may arouse from her crazy obsession.

Over her stay in the US, Collin came several times to pay her visits. Collin was the son of her Do Jin oppa, another friend of Tae Sun. Collin was born in the US, raised in Japan and currently living at Seoul with his dad and his stepmom Yi Soo, Meahri’s former  junior high school teacher.

They met when she first came home from the US. He saved her once when she got locked in a restroom of a nightclub in Seoul. He even stayed for few days at their house. She could not really say that they were close because for Meahri, Collin was an annoying, troublesome brat. Even more brat than Meahri herself.

Despite the fact that she was way older than him, the boy always refused to call her Noona which annoyed her so much. They were like cats and dogs when they were in Korea. So when one day, she found Collin outside the university where she was studying at, she was very surprised.

Meahri appreciated Collins visits to her. Though he kept on insisting that he came to visit her mom’s relatives in the US and decided to drop by to see her, Meahri never believed him because his visits were consistent for the last three years.

Her classmates even labelled Collin as her boyfriend but she always made it sure to explain that he was just a younger brother to him. Besides, she still thought that she still liked Yoon.

It was around 8 in the morning when the plane landed at Incheon. Once she gathered her luggage, she headed for the waiting area immediately.

“MEAHRI!” Collin’s voice echoed. Her head turned to the crowd to spot the tall young man wearing a black coat smiling at her. He had grown a lot since Meahri last saw him roughly 5 months ago. He maintained the usual color and messy cut of his hair which made him look rigidly handsome. It would take gallons of pride for Meahri to admit, but Collin had started to grow into a beautiful young man and starting to become irritatingly good looking. He waved at her wearing his annoying, troublemaker smile.

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