Night Skies and Good Byes

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(NOTE: I have recently finished reading The Lord of the Silver Bow by David Gemwell and it brought a whole new perspective on what it is like in the Trojan side. I particularly liked the little romance which happened between Helikaon (Aeneas) and Andromache. I'm a sucker for this kind of story. HAHAHAHA. Here's my take on that chapter after the battle in the megaron.)

The night had been dark and brimmed with scourge. First, it robbed the sky the sun's radiance; then, men of their mortal lives; and lastly, it stole a young man of what could have been the greatest thing he would ever have.

The battle had been bloody and draining which made the young Dardanian Prince Helikaon's body and soul weary. He had his men and cousin Loadike killed by the Mykenes. Later on, he was informed that back in his home, his younger brother, the prince next to the throne had also been murdered and his step mother, the queen, had been raped. He could barely think straight.

Wagons and carts trundled down the bay with Mykene battle-gears and arms. His own men were busy loading them in the ships waiting just beyond the reefs. He ordered them to prepare immediately to leave for Dardania this morning. He could not imagine the turmoil and dread that the Mykene attack had caused his beloved people.

The night surely had been an interesting one because of the surprises it brought along. The biggest of them was the great comeback of his cousin Hektor, whom all this time, they thought had died with one of the battles he instigated against the Mykenes. Despite the violence and drama, Helikaon's thoughts would always lead him back to Hektor and Andromache. Apparently, the picture of them together in his head became more painful than the bruises, burns, and wounds he acquired over the night. He knew that in time, this would be a scar buried deep down his heart.

He had been in love with Andromache even before he learned that she was betrothed to his cousin. It was love at first sight. When they landed on that island for their first stop over, when they held gazes under the stars while he was fighting against his assassins. She was there, standing magnificently in his full goddess-like glory. Such an amazing sight that made him think of his purpose in life. In the morning, she asked for a ride to Troy. Later did Helikaon know, he was delivering the love of his life to her rightful owner. This woman was already promised to Hektor. Hope sprang when the news spread that Hektor was dead. But the Fates had always liked to play this kind of game. Few hours ago, Hektor had come back to Troy and Helikaon had known better where to put his feet.

He stepped back and stared at the horizon.

If he could only sneak up the palace and persuade Andromache to go with him, leave all these things behind and start a life together across the Great Green... If only he had the courage to shame Hektor in such a horrible, horrible way.

But no, he loved his cousin dearly as he loved the brother of his own. The last thing he had in mind was to break their brotherly bonds.

"Helikaon..." called a voice he knew so well from his left.

The golden haired Dardanian warrior shifted and met the gaze of the young woman in green cloak. She lifted the hood as she walked near him revealing her flame-like locks which grew brighter against the moonlight. Helikaon instantly opened his arms and the woman did not hesitate to step into his embrace.

They stood still for a moment, savouring the remaining time left for them to be together.

"Andromache," Helikaon kissed her brow.

Andromache buried her face to his bare chest, feeling the heat which once enveloped her under the brazen moon. "I thought you were gone. I thought I would never get to say good bye."

"I love you, Andromache." It was out of context but those were the only words his heart could muster to say.

"And so do I," she replied with no hesitation. "Had we been born in different circumstances, I would be more than glad to be your other half; join you in every cause be it in land or the merciful seas."

But they couldn't. Both willowed in melancholy.

"We sadly cannot be together this lifetime, my love. I know Hektor, he will make you happy. Hektor is a ruthless warrior in the battlefield but he is a good man. You deserve someone as endearing as he is."

"Stop." The lovely Andromache placed a finger on his lips. "Please don't talk about how great Hektor is because I am trying my very best to restrain myself."

Helikaon drew her closer to his body, breathing in every inch of her being.

"Will you come back in Spring? Will you be in my wedding?"

"Do you want me to be there?"

"Of course. I certainly would love to have you in my wedding. It may sound selfish but I want to keep you close to me even not as a lover."

"Then I will be there."

They withdrew from their embrace. Helikaon fished the bow shaped stone he picked from their night walks eons ago. It shown like a silver bow under the moonlight. He handed it to Andromache. "Take this with you. It's my wedding gift."

"A gift?"

"More like a promise."

She looked at her confused.

"Whatever happens, I will be your brother. Just like how I had been a trusted one to your husband."

Andromache nodded with tears in her eyes, "I wish you happiness, King Helikaon." She stepped backward and walked towards the palace.

"I will... Good bye, my love." He whispered in the morning breeze hoping it would reach the girl's hearing but she went on walking straight ahead. Slowly, Andromache's figure blurred from where he stood. The night was still dark and it had taken with it everything that he loved.

Helikaon turned his back from the Trojan Palace. He stood firmly, eyes fixed in the horizon where the light of pre-dawn began to glow.

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