Polaroid (Jeyna)

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(Note: This is for my beloved Jason Freaking Grace who celebrates his sixteenth year of existence today!

My Dearest Little Hero, Jason, thank you so much for ruining my perfectly awesome fangirl life. I just wish that you'll not be the one to die in the end of the series even though you hurt me everytime you hook up with Piper McLean. Have an awesome day lightning boy! Come home to Camp Jupiter or visit Reyna if you're not busy. 

Happy Kalends to all Roman demigods out there~

This is JEYNA by the way. HAHAHA! Watch out. Reyna’s gonna quote Taylor Swift’s songs. LOL! Sorry. But I was really inspired by them. Hope you enjoy this though ^___^)


He lay wide awake in one of the two bunks inside his father’s cabin. He was a son of Jupiter, of Zeus rather.. He was in a Greek camp after all.

He couldn’t remember anything. It was like, he just appeared in that bus this morning and when he woke up, a girl was already holding his hand and he was surrounded by strange people he barely knew. The girl claimed that she was his girlfriend. And then there was this elfish boy who averred that he was his best friend. He swore before all the gods, he never met those people but then they were acting like they had been together for a long time.

Things happened rather quickly, in less than 24-hours he had been through a lot. He fought storm spirits, got electrocuted, and jumped a free fall from the Grand Canyon. On top of that, he finally realized that he was a son of Jupiter. 

He was a demigod- a child of a god and a mortal. He had no idea who his mother was or if he had any sibling. The question about his mortal side of the family wasn’t left unanswered for a long time. The final blow of today’s turn of events was, he learned he had a sister. He didn’t remember her of course for his memory was as clean as a blank slate.

He stared at the ceiling of the cabin contemplating about his giant-jigsaw –puzzle-like life.  He knew his name. He knew that he had actually a ‘family’. Yet he still felt that there was wrong.. Like he wasn’t supposed to be in this place; like his home was miles away from here.

Even with his friends.. It somehow felt wrong to be with them. Especially his girlfriend.. He knew it was stupid. She was undeniably pretty with her brown hair braided onto one side and her charming eyes. She was a daughter of Venus.. of Aphrodite rather. She was everything he could ask for.. But he felt it was a mistake to be with her. He had no concrete memories but he had these feelings—feelings that told him something was wrong about his existence.

He stared at the statue of his father inside the cabin. Mighty greek version of Jupiter looked down at him like he knew what his son was thinking..

“Please. Just give me a sign. I just wanted to know who exactly I am.” He prayed silently before he dozed off.

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