The Host (Ian x Thalia)

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Note: So I have fallen in love with The Host lately. I have finished reading the book and I think, it is the best that Stephenie Meyer has written. Anyways, I’m so and so and so in love with Ian O’Shea. Hahahaha! There were some moments while I was reading the book and I thought that he was the reincarnation of my baby, Luke Castellan. I know. I’m really crazy for having a thought abt that but that’s how my mind works! :)

Anyways, I wrote this one shot fic an hour ago and I decided to post it now so please understand that it’s really messy. The story revolves around Ian who is alone and who is also the reincarnation of Luke (but he doesn’t know that he’s Luke) and then he meets Thalia and saves her and.. Oh. Read the story on your own. HAHAHA!

Don’t worry guise. I still ship Ian and Wanda Ian but I think a mashed up of ThaLuke and Ian will satisfy my Jake Abel craze. LOL. I just learned that he played Ian O’Shea so it really makes me and my crazy mind a little crazier. HAHA!

I entitled it The Host because Ian here is so kind enough to receive his new found ally, Thalia, into his own house. Enjoy reading!


She breathed slowly; her eyes were shut peacefully like she had not slept for the last three days. She looked awful with her burnt, tattered clothes. Her hair was braided onto one side. The freckles on her face looked like stars scattered in the vast night sky.

I stayed close to her, waiting for her to wake up. I found her in that old big house around the ghost street of Beckham when I had to do a raid for my supplies. She was lying helplessly on the ground when I found her. She was muttering names I could not comprehend. She was hallucinating perhaps. I hesitated to help her at first, for in this society, I had no allies; all of them were my enemies. Yet leaving her all alone made me feel bad and wrong.

I could not waste so much of my time there for anytime, a seeker might show up. So I did check her eyes with my light. I was very surprised to find them blue, with no silver around its irises- a sure sign that she was human. I was overwhelmed by the idea that she was indeed human so I even double checked her neck which was free from any scar that would have been caused by the ‘insertion’. I felt relieved after knowing that there was none. That was why instead of leaving her unconscious body behind, to be found by the spineless creatures and use her tiny frame for their cause, I carried her with me.

It was years ago when the invasion started. Those aliens from the other side of the universe started coming and invading the earth, putting souls for the innocent human bodies to host. Their small number grew and grew until only few humans were left.

Now they were everywhere. I was the only one left—I thought until I found her-- this girl in tattered clothes, this unconscious body lying next to me.

For a long time, I embraced the thought that I was the only human left in this world. That others of my kind had become extinct and the people that I saw outside were all possessed by the monsters. I thought all this time that I was the only person lurking in the dangerous streets fighting for my own life. I did not know that there could still be someone like me in this world, a human to be precise. I couldn’t believe that I, the last man on earth, was the one who was able to find her- the last woman on earth.

I was thankful enough that I had lived. I was able to escape from the dangers that the outside world might bring to me. I tried to live unnoticed and invisible to them but it became hard for from time to time, I had to go out of this place and find myself my supplies. I lived in this underground hide out made by my grandfather. He died long ago but when I was young, he used to give me a tour in this secret place. He told me I could stay here when something happens. He was a war veteran, you see.

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