Chapter 9: A Discussion

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*****Hey guys! I hope you're enjoying the story so far! I'm going to be continuing this story until I feel it's reached the end I want, and if you want to ride along, go ahead! (Also when season two drops, I think Uzui fans will freak)-soooo on and on we push.....*********

"We should talk about us. And someone else."

Your blood froze. How did he know, you hadn't even done anything that suggested something. So how did he know?

"Okay," you squeaked out. "Lemme just get dressed first." He nodded, slipping back into his jeans and t-shirt. You tugged your clothes back on, and he handed you his hoodie. You smiled, this had to be a good sign. He gathered everything up and stuck out his hand to pull you off the bed. You took it, and let him help you up.

You left your room, warm in his hoodie, yet a frigid chill went up your spine. You did not enjoy the unpleasant feeling. You both didn't end up walking far, as place Uzui wanted to take you wasn't far. It was a small noodles store, about a couple blocks off campus. The owner was a member of the Tokito family, and Uzui said he knew them personally. You were just happy it had udon. Uzui left you at a table, and ordered you both some udon bowls. You watched as he talked to the owner, and you guessed his son was at a table nearby, working quietly. They both had dark hair, but kind faces.

Uzui laughed and the man handed him two large bowls. He walked back to your table and set the bowl down in front of you. You went to dig in, but he stopped you.

"I want to talk first," he said, and sat down across from you. You nervously laced your hands together, squeezing them to find some sort of comfort. He noticed your nerves, and took your hands in his. He squeezed them lightly. He looked directly into your eyes, through the steam coming off of your hot noodle bowls. You zoned in on him, and your heart began to beat in your ears. What was he going to say? Did he know?

"Look Y/N, do you remember that day, in Rengoku's basement. When we first met?" He began.

"Yes," you replied, swallowing hard, but you couldn't quite swallow the lump in your throat.

"We met for the first time that day, but you've been around Rengoku and his little bro forever. I know you're not with his little bro because he's talked to me about you, but Kyojuro-" he paused, and that was the first time you'd ever heard him call Kyojuro by his first name. This was serious.

"Kyojuro talked to me about you, about how he felt and what he knew you were feeling too. But he never acted on it. I know about his reputation and how he treats women. I also know that you've been talking with him, as if I couldn't tell from the other night," he glanced down, at your hands. "But what I want to know is if you still feel that way. Or how you feel about me.."

You lowered your eyes. So he did know, but only to an extent. But it could work, because you didn't have to have help passing the class, and you decided you'd just have to find help elsewhere. You didn't feel the same as you had about Kyojuro, and you felt something in your heart when you looked at Uzui. You'd only felt like this twice before in your life, and both were reserved for the Rengoku brothers. Yet, now you felt something for the soft, but strong man in front of you. You took the leap.

" Uzui," you exhaled, "I did seek out Kyojuro's help, but I don't think it's for me. I don't want that kind of relationship. I want someone to love only me, and I want a loving relationship. We don't want the same things, and I did feel that way about him, back then. But that feeling faded. He changed, I changed. And I moved on. So I don't feel that way about him now."

 You looked into his eyes, "But I'm starting to feel that way about you."

The smile that broke out on his face, reached his eyes and beyond. He brought one of your hands to his lips and kissed it. 

"This absolves all my worries," he said, and rubbed your hands. "Uzuiii, the food's getting cold," your tone slightly whiny. He laughed and let go of your hands. You began to eat your noodles, which in your mind, was not flattering at all. But the look he was giving you, made you feel like you were glowing. You were floating, on only a cloud you could see. 

You felt your phone buzz with a text, and you pulled it out to check.

Kanao: Girl, where the hell are you? It's late on a Sunday. 

There was one from Senjuro as well. You slid across to answer them.

Senjuro: Hey Y/N! Whatcha doin? Do you wanna talk sometime? What's up with my brother? Anything new?

You typed out a short message to both of them, telling Kanao you'd be home soon and Senjuro that yes you would love to call him shortly and that nothing was up with his brother. Uzui looked at you with raised eyebrows. "It's Senjuro and Kanao, they're wondering what I'm doing."

"Oh," he answered, and looked at his own phone. "Wow, I didn't know it was so late. We should probably head back, I don't want you to get behind in any of your other classes."

You nodded and finished eating. He caught your drift and drained the rest of his broth. Opening the door for you, he waved at the owner on the way out, walking you back to your room in the chilly night air.

You reached your dorm room and could hear Kanao's music streaming inside. You went to take off Uzui's hoodie, but he stopped you. 

"Keep it for a bit, let people know," He said, and slowly walked forward until you were pressed against your door. He reached his hand up and slid it through you hair. He leaned forward, one arm above your head. "This will also let people know." He pressed his lips to yours in a fiery kiss, and he trailed it down your jawline, until he reached your neck. 

He left marks all along your collarbone, kissing and nipping you. You could feel yourself soaking for him. He pulled away abruptly, "But for right now, I've got to go. I'm going to call you later okay?" "Okay."

He left one last lingering kiss on your lips, and walked away into the night. You knew he must be freezing. You finally entered the world of the normal person again and heard your phone ringing. It must have been ringing silently for a minute vibrating in your pocket. You can't believe you'd ignored it.

You swiped across, "Hello?"

A husky, angered voice answered you. "Y/N, where are you right now."

You knew that voice, "Kyojuro I am at my fucking dorm room, can I help you?"

"Yes, you can tell me why you told my little brother there was nothing going on with us."

You were pissed. "Okay, one how the fuck do you know what I've been telling him. Two, I told him there was nothing going on between us, BECAUSE THERE IS NOTHING GOING ON BETWEEN US," you answered, your voice on the verge of enraged. 

"Y/N, don't even lie to yourself or me. You know there's something going on with us, and you're still fucking around with Uzui. You have a session with me tomorrow, we can discuss this more then," Kyojuro said into the phone, and then hung up on you. You fought the urge to scream. Instead you took a deep breath and opened a text bubble.

Y/N: Kyojuro, I am not meeting with you anymore. I don't need your help, I'll find someone else. You do not need to come tomorrow.

His answer was instant. I'll be there at 3.

You rolled your eyes. This was not going to go well. You breathed in, and unlocked the door with your key. You walked in to a pissed Kanao. She was standing by a massive bouquet sitting on your desk.

"Mind telling me where the FUCK this came from?"

*****Alright guys, more Uzui fluff/story building. I love writing him so much omfg. He's adorbs, but also let's discuss possessive Kyojurooooo, like OOOOOOOOO I died. Always, until the next update!!**********

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