Chapter 10: His Words

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*** Hey guys, get ready because here comes Kyo, and he's not happy...*****

"Mind telling me where the FUCK this came from?" Kanao said, an angered look on her face. You sighed, not wanting to explain everything that had happened in the last 24 hours.

"Was there no name on the delivery tag?" you replied, nonchalantly getting ready for bed. You were exhausted, and just wanted to go to bed.

"No, there wasn't Y/N. And honestly I want to care, I really want to ask about it. But not if you're acting like this," Kanao replied, her anger turning to disappointment before your eyes. You began to feel bad, but you were so tired.

"Kanao, please can we talk about this tomorrow. I promise I'll tell you everything tomorrow after class," you whined, and silently begged her forgiveness.

"Whatever Y/N," she slid into her bed, and turned to face the wall. You turned out your light and let the darkness envelop you. So much had happened, you tried to recall it all for yourself. Uzui's words, Kyojuro's. You had so many more problems than you'd had last week. They were just mounting.

Kanao woke you the next morning by slamming the door shut an hour before your class started. You woke, sitting straight up like an arrow. You groaned, looking at the clock.

"Thanks Kanao," you said snarkily, and started getting ready for class super early. You got to class on time, and found that Kanao hadn't saved your seat like usual, and you were stuck sitting next to someone you've never met.

It seemed like it was a junior, or maybe a senior. You sat next to her, receiving only a softly cold stare. You glanced at her notes for a second, the name on it not registering with you. Did you know a Hinatsuru. She was so gorgeous, she had to be a least a couple of years older than you.

She giggled in her group of friends clustered around her, and you looked across the room at Kanao and Tanjiro. They had pulled someone else into their group, a girl with long brown hair that had a small pink bow at the back. She looked kind. Tanjiro caught your eye and mouthed 'I'm sorry'. You shrugged, and made a worried expression, using your hands to mimic texting.

You snuck your phone out onto your leg, and shot a quick text to him.

Y/N: Please tell Kanao I'm sorry and I'll make it up to her later okay?

Tanjiro: I guess, she says whatever. I'm sorry about the seat thing, my sister's only in the class for a few days to sample it. I'm sure this will have blown over by then.

You looked up at him and nodded. You tried to finish the class with total concentration, but you found yourself wandering into your own head. What would Kyo say, when you saw him later and would tell him you had to stop the tutoring.

You shook you heard, and found everyone leaving. The bell had rung and you'd been so absorbed in thought that you'd missed it. You grabbed your bag up and began the trek back to your room. You didn't bump into Kanao and Tanjiro in the hallway, and they weren't in your room when you unlocked the door. No one was home but you and now all you had to do was wait.

You sat around, doing homework, gathering your resources. The clock ticked by, time dragging by so slowly. You contemplated texting Uzui, but you didn't. You did however, search the girl who had been side-eyeing you all class. Hinatsuru. You typed her name into the search bar, and hundreds of pictures came up.

She had so many friends, but seemed to be in a main circle. You clicked on a picture featuring a familiar face. He had an arm wrapped around her shoulder, and a goofy smile on his face. It was none other than Uzui Tengen.

You blanked, and quickly closed your phone. You didn't want to deal with that right now. You clicked the on button, the time flashing before your eyes. It was 2:30, and Kyojuro would be here soon. You suddenly felt, something like butterflies, in your stomach.

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