Chapter 15: Here

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Hey guys! OMG it's already the 15th chapter! Wow, time really flies. I'm not gonna lie, I lost hope in this fic a while ago, because it wasn't getting views and I was losing motivation. But I drew out my schedule, and now I'm happy with how everything's going.

I hope my loyal fans are enjoying the story.

Stick around for more drama, angst, fluff and happiness!

Love y'all!


Kyojuro's POV:

Senjuro's words rang through the phone like bullets to my chest. I hung up the call, flustered. Y/N looked up from underneath me. I cleared my throat. "So um-" Y/N stopped me with a loud panicked scream. She was clutching a small packet in her hands.

It just looked like a piece of tinfoil with tiny marks on it. Or maybe tiny pills in it.

I reached over to comfort her, but she pushed my hands away and I saw a tear run down her cheeks.

"Y/N," I asked worriedly, "What's wrong?"

She swiped at the tear raking it's path down her cheek. "Kyojuro, look at this."

"I'm looking.." I said, and took the small thing from her hands.

"Kyojuro, this is a birth control packet. And because of all the stress I've been under and because I'm stupid as fuck. I missed a day, or two. And now I might be pregnant," She said, and more tears broke free from her eyes. A panicked feeling began to take over me.

"Wait, what days?" I couldn't hide the worry in my voice. She could tell, I felt her snatch the packet away from me. I felt like such an asshole, she was crying and all I could do was be a dick. But I was scared.

"When do you think Kyojuro, obviously the night we fucked after you decided I wouldn't see Uzui anymore," she replied, the snap in her tone making me flinch.
"Are you sure it's mine?" I asked, the question just to make sure.

It triggered something for her, and she shot off the bed, pulling on anything she could find.

"Y/N, please I'm sorry. What did I say? Come back, I'm sorry." I tried tugging on her wrist, but she wrenched it out of my grasp, and she fled through the door into the frigid night air.


Y/N's POV:

You fled from the room, tears streaming down your face. You pulled your phone out of your pocket. Or Uzui's sweatshirt pocket. God, you couldn't believe you still had this piece of shit. You tore if off of you, and pressed it to your face, trying to stifle the tears pouring down your cheeks like waterfalls.

You sobbed into it, and pressed the phone to your ear. His reassuring voice picked up on the first ring.

"Y/N, what's wrong? Where are you?" He asked, and you could only sob. You tried to get out the words.

"Sen-senjuro," you hiccuped, "Wh-ere are you-u?"

The sound of your sobs went straight to his heart.

"Hold on Y/N, I'm almost there," he replied, and you dropped the phone from your hands. You sunk to your knees. You hadn't made it far from your dorm room, maybe to the stairwell. You couldn't tell, all you could do was cry.

Kyojuro's words had struck you like a knife, the way he'd spoken to you. You sobbed and rocked back and forth on your heels in the corner of the stairwell, you were sure you looked insane. You heard frantic footsteps running up the stairs to you. They were sprinting, and they soon reached you.

You heard his voice before he lowered himself down in front of you.

"Y/N, I'm here. It's okay. I'm here," he said, and pulled you into him. He was so warm, and smelled of campfires and paint. He had a streak of red on his cheek, almost identical to the shade his tips were.

You sobbed into him. You couldn't even speak. He rubbed your back, in gentle circles, until your cries finally died down. He was so strong, his arms flexing underneath you to support you. Finally when your cries had calmed down, you managed a few words.

"Send, it's so-so bad," you stumbled over the words. He wiped your few stray tears away, his hands rough from sculpting and painting. "What's bad darling?"

"I for-forgot to take the pill," you started and a knowing look fluttered into his eyes, followed by a flash of anger. "You forgot to take your birth control," He said and you nodded your head weakly against his shoulder. "And let me guess, my asshole brother didn't use another form of protection." Your second weak nod was only the physical evidence he needed for him to light on fire.

He gently lifted you to your feet, "Y/N, it's freezing out here and you don't have a coat on." Your mouth opened and then closed. You must have dropped Uzui's on the way here. A massive shiver racked your body, and he shook his head. He wrapped his arm around your waist and tucked you under his muscled arm. You curled into his warmness as he walked you back to your dorm room.

You remembered with a cringe that Kyojuro was probably still in your room, and you did not want to see him right now. You just wanted to be with Senjuro.

You made it back to your room, and you unlocked it with a shove. The room was empty, he'd flaked. Run away. It only made the tears well back up in your eyes. The room blurred. But Senjuro felt your sharp inhale and reached over and wiped the stray tear away.

"Y/N it's okay. I know he left. But it's okay. I'm here now," he locked eyes with you and set you on your bed. "What can I do?"

You smiled, a sad smile, and raked a hand through his hair. He reached up to wrap his hand around yours. "Senjuro, I am so stupid. You have always been there for me, loved me, supported me, I am such an idiot," you waited, and he tilted his head at you. You brushed the strand of hair out of his eyes, and pulled him to your chest.

"I love you so much Senjuro, I don't want you to ever leave me again," You nuzzled into his chest and he sighed deeply at the connection. "Don't leave me again like you did when you went away to college. Far away from me." He chuckled softly, and rested his chin on your head. He hugged you to him tightly.

"I promise you Y/N, I will never leave you again. I don't care what it costs me or what it takes. I will stay with you forever."

You fell asleep in his arms, and you fell asleep to the sound of him talking quietly, but angrily yelling at the person on the other side of the phone call.


When you woke up, you were on Senjuro's chest. His bare, muscular chest. There was a new tattoo, one you'd never known he had. He must've shifted you overnight. You traced over the tattoo lightly with your finger, wondering what it meant to him.

"Stop it, that tickles," Senjuro's raspy morning voice chuckled from below you. You waited for a second, pressing your ear back to his chest, listening to his steady, strong heartbeat.

You made a decision, one you should've a long time ago. It was the best decision you'd made in a long, long time.

You pressed a timid, shy kiss to his lips. He smiled so wide, "What was that for?"

"Because you stayed."



Anyways, this is it for now. But I'm so pumped I've got so much coming, but y'all enjoy!



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