Chapter 23: Moving

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Hey guys, sorry it's been so long. Life's been hectic right now, with school restarting and I've become obsessed with Haikyuu so that's been dominating my life right now.

But I have a wrapping up plan, and I promise y'all will love it.

So enjoy this chapter :)


You walked out of the room, feeling your brother's hand on your arm, but Kyo's eyes burning holes in the back of your head. You didn't like the satisfaction that Shinjuro was getting from you leaving like this, but it was okay, you'd be back very soon.

Todou opened the back seat for you, and you slid into it quietly. He started the car, and Takada turned the radio down. She spun around in the seat to look at you.

"So Y/N, what are you going to do?" She asked hesitantly, a worried expression taking over her face. "You're so young and still in college? Were you and Senjuro really engaged? What-" Your brother stopped her barrage of questions.

"Taka, please. Give her a second to breathe, she's really overwhelmed right now," he glanced at you in the mirror, watching as your tears fell silently down your cheeks. Your answer came out small, choked by your own tears.

"Yes." Takada's eyes welled up with tears. 

You tried to continue. "We were engaged, it had just happened that day. He had come to support me when Kyojuro wouldn't. I had just found out I was pregnant and he was there, he wa-was there and then he was-wasn't-" You struggled to get the words out through your tangled sobs.

"I didn't even say I love you back to him." 

You sobbed, your voice cracking as Takada joined you. Your brother sucked in a breath. 

"Y/N," he caught your tear-filled eyes in the mirror once again. "I know this seems like a horrible situation that can only lead to a desolate ending, but I know you. And I know that resilient neighbor kid. He's not going anywhere. He just needs some time. You both do."

He made direct eye contact, his stare piercing.

"And I know you'll make an excellent mother."

Your eyes welled up with fresh tears at his words, and Takada clung to his arm. "Takada I'm driving!" They fooled around in the front as you soaked up your brother's words like rain in a drought.

He was right, Senjuro was fighting. And you would start fighting for him.

Your brother pulled up outside your dorm room, sliding the car into park.

"I'll be right back," you said, slipping out of the car. You ran to your room, unlocking the door as fast as you could. Kanao looked up abruptly at your loud entrance. You rested your hands on your knees, wiped from just a little running.

"Jesus, I'm getting old," you joked and she smiled. 

"I guess you've come to leave, right?" She asked, a knowing look on her face. She didn't even have to ask the question, she already knew your response. She knew your love for him wasn't wavering and you weren't going to abandon him.

"Yes," you replied, shoveling your stuff into duffel bags. She nodded, her eyes slightly welling up. She knelt down beside you and started helping you pack stuff up. You knew you'd be leaving for a while, but you just needed essentials right now.

You ran to the bathroom and grabbed everything you needed, slotting everything into the bags. You stared hesitantly at a small photo in a frame near your bed. Senjuro had his arm wrapped around you, and your eyes were closed, but he was staring straight into the camera. The biggest smile on his face. 

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