Chapter 14: Resolution?

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++++     Hello my wonderful fans, here I am with an awesome update. GUESS WHAT, this is a SMUT warning. I think our beloved Kyo is a little pissed, and also mad horny. Also, I have to say I'm mad attached to our precious Senjuro, so get ready for dat angst.



You ran until you reached your dorm room, slamming the door closed behind you. You sank to the floor, head resting on your knees, tears streaming down your face. You sobbed into your hands, how had it gotten like this? How had you not seen? 

He was so cruel. You hadn't even seen him take that picture, or known of it's true intent. To piss Kyojuro off. You wanted to punch yourself, you were such an idiot. It just made you sob harder. A sudden text alert went off on your phone with a loud BING. You tugged it out of your pocket and swiped across on the alert. 

It was a post, on a girl's social. Her name was Makio, the barista from the cafe. You clicked on the photo, seeing you were tagged, and you could feel the warm tears fall onto your cheeks. It was a picture of her with her arm around Uzui's waist. His lips were on her neck, probably at a party. The caption;

So glad my Tengen decided to come back to us, not like he was ever really gone tho, lol.

Fifteen girls had already commented, and you were tagged. They were rubbing it in, but that wasn't what hurt the most. You had never been together and for that day you "were", he was still fucking other girls. She had linked photos of their chats together to the picture. It hurt so much. 

You sobbing abruptly stopped at a sudden rapid knocking on your door. 

"Y/N, I know you're in there. Please answer, let me in. I'm so sorry. Please, Y/N," Kyojuro pleaded from the other side of the door.

Your voice sounded small as it flowed from your lips, "Did you know? That he was cheating with while he was sleeping with me?" His fist pounded on the door. 

You could hear him slide to the floor, his voice closer to ground level, and quieter. A simmering anger. 

"I didn't know about what the bastard was planning. I didn't even know he did that fucking shit to my little brother. I hassled Senjuro, but I'm his brother. I could kill that fucker, I should-" You stopped him, opening the door and grabbing onto his shirt collar. 

You pulled him into your room, and tried to push him onto your bed. You wanted to feel anything but the despair you were soaked in. He put a hand to your chest. "Y/N-" 

"Stop. I don't want your pity," you replied, your words cold. His lips creased into a line. "I don't want to do this while you're so upset," he said, taking your cheek into his hand. "I don't care about what you want." You sat down on his lap, straddling his hips. He was trying to push you off, so you ran your hands through his hair, and peppered mildly angry, but hot kisses along his jawline. The moan that exited his mouth only made you want the satisfaction of fucking him more. You just wanted to be truly wanted for once. 

You tugged on his earlobe with your teeth, and he growled.  

"If you keep doing that Y/N, you know what I'm going to do."

Almost mockingly, you bit down harder. You could feel him shift under you, his growing erection becoming livelier. In a swift move he flipped you over onto your back. He loomed over you, a sly grin on his face. You just gazed up at him with longing in your eyes. 

"If I'm going to do this, I'm doing it right this time," he said, and leaned up to kiss your forehead. He kissed your nose. "Y/N, I just want you to know-" He kissed one cheek. "That I-" He kissed the other. "Love-" He kissed you on your lips, this kiss filled with love and lust. "You."

Your eyes welled up with tears. Your lips met his, and he tried to kiss your tears away. 

"Y/N, please don't cry. Oh god. I'm sorry," he was a mess, trying to wipe your tears away with his thumbs. You took his hands. "No, I'm okay." You raised your arms above your head, and he understood. He kissed you, nipping at your bottom lip. He used the moan you tried to stifle as an opportunity to slide his tongue into your mouth. He worked your shorts off as his tongue explored your mouth. You met him halfway to take off his shirt. Your kisses turned frantic, and he began just tearing through your clothes. Driven by lust, he trailed scorching kisses down your torso, taking time to lick and suck on your pebbled nipples. Your back arched under his touch.

His wandering hands made their way to your thighs, and his mouth followed. He nibbled on your inner thighs, leaving love bites matching the ones on your neck. You paused, panting as you waited for him to reach your bundle of nerves. He toyed with you, pressing just the pad of his thumb to your swollen clit. 

You begged him, bucking your hips towards his fingers. He chuckled, and in return slid one digit into your soaking cunt. You ached at the touch, you just wanted him already. "Kyo," you whined, and he laughed. "Almost angel, just one for me right now okay." He slid two more of his fingers in, stretching you out for his length. He curled his fingers up, the action making you practically purr. It didn't help his massive erection to hear you making these noises for him. He continued his motions while rubbing your clit with his thumb. You could feel that heat in your stomach coil to a tight knot, and then explode. You burst onto his fingers, and you found his tongue swiping over your sensitive clit.

He couldn't take it anymore. He pulled his fingers out, and readied himself at your entrance. You took one breath before he filled you, his entire length taken into your dripping pussy. He moaned, and you felt your walls tighten around him. 

"Oh god, Y/N. You're so fucking amazing, you know that," he started slowly thrusting into you. He managed to hit your g-spot every time, as he decided he was going to lift your legs up over his shoulders to gain better access. This just made it easier for his dick to bump your cervix, and you could feel yourself reaching that edge again. 

"Kyo, I'm going to," you moaned out. 

"Say it again," he ordered, pinching your sensitive nipples between his fingers. "Again."

"Kyojuro," you moaned again, reaching your climax. His rapid thrusts sent you spiraling again, and you could hear the low moan leave his lips as your walls spasmed around his cock. His thrusts became frantic, as he chased his high. You could feel him hit it, and his cock twitched inside you as he painted you with his cum. He panted, and rested his head on your chest. He took a few breaths as your chest rose and fell, and then propped himself up on his elbow. He didn't even notice your tears. 

"Oh Y/N, no. Did I hurt you?" He asked, his features contorting to those of concern. 

"No Kyojuro. I'm okay. It's just that I love you too-" You stopped, the tears flowing more. That ugly crying was returning. 

"But?" He asked, confused. You suddenly heard a phone ringing, and it came from Kyojuro's shorts. He groaned and pulled out, leaning over to pick his phone off the ground. Angrily glaring at the screen, he swiped over on the call.

"What is it?" He growled into the phone.

Senjuro's voice was clear as a bell through the phone, the words ringing through the air.

"I'm coming to see Y/N."


+++++ OMG YALL. MY SWEET DARLING SENJURO. Making a little visit to come see his girl. OH SHIT DID I TYPE THAT. I MEANT Y/N. Pretend you didn't see that, ha ha ha ha. Anyways. I hope you enjoyed this angst and heartbreaking chapter. But there is plenty more to come. I'm here to make your dreams come true! I love y'all. 

See you at the next update!


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