Chapter 14

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A few days later, totalling three weeks in the hospital, I was allowed to go home. It was both relieving and terrifying simultaneously. My parents drove me as I sat in the back in all my bruised and immobilized glory. As we drove up to my house, there was a large amount of cars and paparazzi parked outside. We couldn't even get to the driveway.

When they saw the car, they rushed us. We were completely blocked in by flashing lights and obnoxious voices. My dad, growing frustrated and furious, started honking the horn, but it was futile.

A few mops of bright blonde hair appeared, and I recognized them as Rydel, Ross, and Riker. They were shoving the paparazzi out of the way recklessly and my dad slowly drove forward. When we finally made it into the garage, we closed the door and the Lynches ran underneath before it had finished closing.

The silence was nearly deafening. Ross, Riker, and Rydel stood there, panting, as my mother helped me out of the car. Dad reached into the garage refrigerator and grabbed a bottle of water for each of them.

"Thank you," he said as he passed them around.

We went inside, and the Lynches and I walked to my room. Ross's and my hands kept brushing  against each other's. I don't know whether that was making me nxious or the fact that I was going to the last place I saw Jace that was making me anxious. But when Ross suddenly grabbed my hand and gave it a supportive squeeze, the anxiety dissipated a little.

As we reached my room, Rydel said, "I cleaned up your room for you and rearranged it a bit, too. Get some of that bad energy out!"

And it was obvious when she opened my door. It looked a lot more different, and it distracted me from the past events.

"Thank you, Rydel."


That night, I awoke abruptly every hour or so from flashbacks of the events. I wouldn't be able to get back to sleep for at least another half hour, only to repeat the occurence. Finally, with this insomnia making the darkness seem like perfect company, I dialed Ross's number at 3:10.

"Dianna? Are you okay?" he asked, panicked.

"Yeah. I just-" I started, but couldn't find a way to finish.

"I'll be right over."

With that, the phone clicked, and I was in the company of the moon and the silence. I got up, wrapped my blanket around me, and proceeded to my balcony. I saw Ross leave his house and walk to mine. He soon joined me, sitting on the ground in the cool November air on my balcony.

"Can't sleep?" He sill had the sleep in his deep voice.


"Ah." Ross then snaked his arm around my shoulders and pulled me to ly my head in his lap.

My mom used to do this thing where she would play with my hair, stroking my head as you would a cat's, and it would put me to sleep. Ross was doing the same thing, except I couldn't sleep.

"You know," he said, breaking the warm silence, "I'm always here for you. You just say the word and I'll be there, no matter where you are."

I didn't know what to say.

"I want to be there for you romantically as well, but I know you are not ready for that quite yet. I will wait however long I have to. We're in no rush, Dianna."

I sat up and looked at him, still unsure of how to respond.

"And I want you to know that I don't want a life without you, be our relationship platonic or romantic, I want you in my life. You are such a good influence on me, and I really need that. I know you will need a hell of a lot of time after these events. I will wait."

The sleep made his brown eyes seem larger. You know how you look different right when you wake up? This look on Ross made him all the more handsome, and the words freely falling from his mouth were adding to his attractiveness.

Before I knew it, my chest was tight and my stomach fluttering. I leaned over and placed my lips on his.

His lips instantly melted into fit the mold of mine. His hand came up to cradle my cheek, softly and gently. The urge was smll, minute, at first. But then it grew into a strong, burning desire. I needed Ross in more ways than one. My hands raised to tangle in his already messy hair and his wound around my waist. He lowered me into a laying position on the balcony and our kiss grew more needy and urgent. My legs wrapped around his waist as he slowly brought his lips to my jwline and then my neck, prying ethereal sounds from my mouth.

When he stopped, I almost sighed in disapointment.

"I don't think we should go any further," Ross replied to my silence, his chest heaving.

I knew he was right. I had just been through so much, and I should take the time to heal before I get into anything.

"Let me help you sleep," he said, as he helped me up and walked me to my bed. Having Ross there, playing with my hair and stroking my back, made the flashback sty away, and I got a decent amount of sleep that night, although I knew I would have to be at therapy the next day.


I really am a terrible author, aren't I? I haven't uploaded in A MONTH. I just have one more month of school left and then I'm on break until mid-August! Perks of the college life! I promise to try to upload more! There are at least six more chapters of this series!!!

Thanks for sticking with me!

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