Chapter 2

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Mom and dad were still out when I got back. The Lynches were also still outside, but they had a Slip N Slide out this time. Ah, the joys of summer. I did my best to ignore them as I walked back up to the front door and unlocked it, not even sending them a glance.

When I got it, I locked the door behind me and leaned against it. If I had said something about staying in LA just a month ago, I would be out there having a good time with them.


I hated that word. It brought out the most regretful attitudes.

I shook my head physically to shake the thought from my mind mentally.

My phone buzzed in my back pocket.

I guess that answers my question. Can I come see you?

I knew that if I didn't reply, he would take it as a yes. So I replied.


I went to the kitchen and pulled out the bowl of fruit salad. I grabbed a fork and sat at the counter. My phone buzzed again.

Please, Dianna. I miss you. I am literally the worst person ever for what I did to you. I want to apologize in person. I regret breaking up with you and I have not spent one moment not feeling the guilt of hurting you. Please just let me apologize in person.

I sighed.

You have three minutes starting from the moment you knock on my door.

A knock sounded immediately. Has he been outside this entire time?

Fork with a piece of cantaloupe in hand, I walked over to the door and opened it. A shirtless Ross stood before me. His mouth hung open slightly, and his brown puppy dog eyes were flooded with guilt, which was also given away by his extremely poor posture.

I bit into my cantaloupe nonchalantly. He just stood there with his mouth hung open and wide eyes.

"You're wasting your precious time."

A minute had already passed.

"Your hair..."

"Yeah, I needed a change."

"You look..." he looked me down and up slowly, shamelessly, "You look incredible."

"You've already wasted half of your time."

That snapped him out of it. His mouth snapped shut and he blinked a few times, shaking his head.

"I am the worst human being alive."

I took another bite of cantaloupe, waiting for him to continue.

"I can't believe I hurt you physically and emotionally and I am a dick because of it. I've been miserable and I realize I was so immature for breaking up with you because of distance when the truth is that you would have had it worse because I travel so much. I am such a douchebag. I am so so so sorry, Dianna. Would you ever consider-"

"Time's up." I didn't want to know what he was going to say, so I assumed time had run out and I interrupted him.

His shoulders slumped again.

"You have a right to be angry at me. Just please... Think about forgiving me?"

I sighed, disappointed with myself. "I'll think about it," I said as I began shutting the door.

"Wait!" he called. I swung the door back open. His eyes were nervous now. "How- How's your wrist...?"

"It hurts when I try to lift things above my head, but otherwise, it's fine. Bye."

Driven by Confidence, a Ross Lynch Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now