Chapter 11

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When Friday finally arrived, my nerves were at an all-time high. I was feeling pretty confident in this plan before, but now that five o'clock was approaching faster and faster it seemed, my anxieties grew. I had to keep repeating my mantra of the day to myself: I can do this. I need to do this. Be brave.

I had talked with Jace after setting up the cameras to invite him over for some "fun". He said he'd anonymously call the paparazzi so they would know we're still "going strong" and whatnot.

 My hands shook as I sat in the living room with Rydel and Ross, only an hour before Jace was scheduled to show up.

"Remember, if it goes too far, just scream. We'll be in the master bedroom, right down the hall," Rydel said. "We'll call the police as soon as you do and then come help you out."

"Yeah, and when the police show up, we'll show them the videos," Ross added hesitantly. He made it obvious he didn't like this entire plan, but it was already rolling and he couldn't stop it.

I gulped subtly and nodded. Eager to change the subject, I stood and walked to the kitchen. "Do either of you want anything to eat?"

"Me!" Rydel chirped before groaning, "I'm starving."

"I'll have something, too," Ross called.

I fixed them both some frozen hot wings I bought for tonight. I would begin cooking the rest of the wings for Jace and I about ten minutes before he was scheduled to show up. I didn't eat with Ross and Rydel. We walked them and their wings up to my parents' room.

As we sat in silence while they ate, my nerves were consuming me.

Ross must have noticed, because he stopped chewing to say, "Are you sure you wanna go through with this? You seem anxious."

 I gnawed on the inside of my cheeks. "Well, yeah."

"It's happened before," Ross said after a moment of thought, "Treat it like an acting gig. You're a really authentic actress, Dianna. Authentic and organic. Treat this like a stunt. I don't like this whole plan, but it needs to be done."

I nodded. He was right, of course. Ross was smarter than people gave him credit for.


Five o'clock rolled around. Jace's and my wings were cooking in the oven. The cameras were rolling. Paparazzi were outside. Jace hadn't shown though. When five thirty came, a knock sounded on my door.

When I opened the door, Jace stood with a bunch of pink tulips, which were just beginning to go out of season. Tulips are my favorite.

"Sorry I'm late," he said as the flashing cameras behind him made hhim into a simple silhouette.

"That's okay," I said with a smile as I took the flowers from him. "Come inside while I put these in a vase."

I went to a cabinet in the kitchen, grabbed a vase and filled it with water. As I placed the tulips in the vase, I told him, "I'm making buffalo and hot wings for us. They should be ready now. You can sit down at the table."

"Gotcha." He sat.

I grabbed an oven mitt and retrieved the wings from the oven. I then grabbed my favorite food from the refrigerator: fruit salad. 

Now that we had begun this plan, I had no clue on how to enact it. I had no idea what I was doing.

I brought the food to the table and returned to the kitchen to grab ranch, some cups, and the bottle of Dr. Pepper. When I sat down, Jace had already served some wings to both himself and me. I sponed some fruit salad onto our plates and poured our soda while he dispensed ranch onto our plates.

We sat and ate and talked for a good half hour before Jace began talking crudely.

"I'm still hungry."

I glanced around the table. Had I not made enough food? His plate still had some fruit on it.

"Not for that," he said when he noticed my confusion. "For you."

And that's how we ended up in my room. I was afraid to begin anything at first, but then I thought of the first time he had hurt me. We were getting pretty steamy in the car and then I wanted to stop. So maybe we could get started in my room and then I could stop again. That would probably set him off, right?

That's how we ended up making out on my bed. His hands were roaming my body with a firm touch, but I was genuinely apprehensive. I felt him on my hip, underneath my skirt. Then his hands were on my chest, on my waist, on my butt. His lips travelled from mine, to my neck, to my collar bone, to the valley between my breasts. I started to get squirmy, and he stopped.

"I don't want to do this anymore," I said with all the confidence I could muster up.

When I expected him to hurt me, he didn't. He adjusted my clothing and pecked my forehead. This just affirmed my belief that he didn't abuse me out of cold heartedness. He must have had some sort of mental disorder that involved him supressing the memories of his abuse to me.

We sat up on my bed, he grabbed the remote and turned the TV on to MTV.

When he went to put the remote back, he stopped, inspecting something.

"What's that?"

"What's what?"

"Is that... a camera in that plant?"

Damn it. Damn it, damn it, damn it.

My hands began to shake as he reached into the foliage and snatched up the camera. He dangled it by the wrist strap in from of my face. He took the object in his hands and threw it against the wall, smashing it into hundreds of pieces and leaving a hole in the wall.

"Were you trying to catch me doing something?!" he barked in my face, leaving saliva on my nose.

"N-No! M-my dad thinks the house is haunted-"

"Bullshit!" he yelled as he backhanded me across the face. There was one more camera in the room. I didn't need to yell for help yet. Take it, Dianna. You can do this. Be confident.

He grabbed me by the forearm and yanked me up from my lounging position. My neck cracked and I saw white spots, like that time I ran the mile and a half in PE when I hadn't drank water all day.

He took my head in his hands and slammed it against the headboard. If I wasn't dizzy before, I sure was at that moment.

I took my knee up and kneed him in the groin, but missed, getting his thigh instead.

"A fighter, are ya?" He took a fist and slammed it into my gut. He took his heel and kicked me off of my bed. My head hit the nightstand on my way down. My head and eyelids felt heavy, but I stood up. I opened my mouth to scream, but nothing came out.

My legs felt like they were about to give out, so I steadied myself against the wall. He walked slowly towards me and them slammed his elbow into my arm. I clutched it with a scratchy yelp and slid against the wall to the floor. Jace took my weak opportuity to kick me in the side over and over and over again.

Just make it stop. I don't want to die in here.

The white spots in my vision overcame me as soon as he threw a fist into my face.


Midterms are OVER. I'm in midsemester break right now! So I'll have time to write a few chapters so I can upload whenever I have a free moment!

Driven by Confidence, a Ross Lynch Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now