Chapter 13

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I'd been in the hospital for four days since I'd woken up and Ross still hadn't shown up. I had seen all of the Lynches besides him, Ellington, the girls from the cast, my family, the producers of the show, and my parents, of course.

When someone knocked on my door, I was pleasantly surprised with the blue eyes and brown hair of the one and only Cam.

"Cam!!" I squealed. He ran the short four feet to my bed and nearly pounced on me.

"The second I heard what happened, I got in my car and drove out here. Are you okay?!"

Just as I was about to speak, Cam kept rambling, "Of course you aren't. I'm stupid. You're in a freaking neck brace and immobilizer for your arm and you have tons of bruises and cuts and stitches everywhere. Wow, that was a stupid question..."

I laughed. I realized he had flowers in his hand. Yellow tulips. Cam always knew my favorite.

"You're the sweetest."

He glanced around the flower-filled room, and found a place for them next to my bed. My chest hurt more today than it had the entire time since this mess began. I coughed.

"So," he said, "Do you wanna talk about it?"

I made a face. No one had asked me that. Everyone had just avoided the question with the assumption that the answer was no.

"Not a common question?"


"You know I'm a good listener."

"I know..." I started. I continued slowly, "I guess... I don't know. A lot of people warned me about him. I guess I'm the kind of person who trusts someone until they give me a reason to not trust them, instead of making people earn trust. Maybe, I don't know... I thought I could change him? Or he had already changed? I guess I'm just kind of stupid. First Ross-"

"I thought you were over that," Cam interrupted.

"I am. I'm just- Did I do something to deserve these two guys to hurt me? Or am I just an idiot?"

Cam spaced out for a moment; something he does when he's thinking.

"Sometimes it's not what we do to deserve something, it's the lessons we need for our future. Obstacles aren't put in our path because of something we did before; they're put in our path so when we overcome them, we're stronger for something more important."

Tears welled up in my eyes. I was angry. "Well, haven't I been through enough?! My parents' split? Being bullied relentlessly for seven years? The thing that happened? Now this trouble with these two guys? Ross won't even come visit me, Cam!"

"That last one's kinda not true..." Cam trailed off as he looked behind me.

I turned to my left, where the door was, and saw Ross leaning against the frame.

He cleared his throat before saying, "Hey, Cam. Mind if I have a few moments with Dianna?"

Cam smiled and stood up, a comfortind squeeze to my not-immobilized shoulder, and then left with a smile to Ross.

Ross took Cam's seat, and I realized he was holding a small gift bag.

I said nothing to him.

"I know you probably don't want to talk to me right now." He waited to see if I objected to the statement. I didn't, so he continued. "I'm gonna try to be more sensitive and communicative, so please bear with me."

I connected with his eyes. They held sadness and pain in them.

"I haven't visited you because I can't stand seeing you hurt. They said it looked like your brain damage was so bad it put you in the coma and it looked as though- like- as if you weren't gonna wake up."

He was crying. Ross was crying. Worry and fear plagued his handsome features.

"I don't know what I was thinking, not coming to see you. My entire body hurt when I saw you like that, back then. I just was furious and terrified when I entered that room. You... You looked dead."

I undertsand why he felt that way. If I had entered a room to see him like how everyone described me, I would have gone crazy.

"When they told me it didn't look like you were going to wake up, I just couldn't speak. My chest hurt for every one of those eleven days you were asleep. So I stayed in my room and didn't say anything." He started speeding up his words and his hands shook. "I felt like it was my fault. I didn't get to you sooner. I should have-" I grabbed his shaking hands with my hand that wasn't immobilized.

"Ross! Ross, it's okay. You got to me. That's all that matters. I'm okay."

"I couldn't stand seeing you like that, like this, Dianna."

"You won't ever have to again."

I scooted over on my bed and patted the small empty space next to me. Ross climbed into the now cramped bed with me and wrapped his arm around me. I rested my head in the crook of his neck. He kissed my forehead and said, "I just don't want to lose you again."


I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I know is that Ross is gone and my room is dark. I sigh, partly in disappointment from his absence, and gnaw on my lower lip.

So I sit there and scroll through my social media. As I scroll through Twitter, I notice some gossip about me. A lot are just condolences and sympathy, for which I'm grateful. Others are blaming me, giving me hate for Jace going to jail. Some are just tired of hearing about the topic.

I am too. I just want the entire situation to go away and get back to work.

When I see Ross walk into the room, I feel elated that he stayed.

"I got us some coffee. You like caramel macchiatos right?"

With a smile, I nod and he hands it to me and sits in the chair next to me.

"Any word from your producers?"

"I don't think so. Let me check my email." I pull it up on my phone and see about twelve emails, as I search through them, I do not come across any from the producers. With a sigh, I say, "I've been in this place for, like, two weeks. You would think that they would have told me something."

"Maybe they're just trying to figure out how to fix the situation in the show."

"Well they could at least tell me that instead of leaving me in the dark."

Ross nods in agreement. "Hopefully you'll hear from them soon."



Hey, guys! I'm so sorry for the late post! I have officially finished my first semester at college! I now have three weeks off, so expect at least three more updates!!!

Thank you for sticking with this story!!!

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