Chapter 2: My Bass

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***Fionna's P.O.V.***

When I woke Up it was almost 11 I jumped out of bed and walked to the bathroom

'Geez I'm still in the dress better get changed'
I delicately slipped the dress of and turned the shower on I got in and cleaned my hair which was full of grass from looking at the stars last night as I was getting out I noticed something big behind the bath curtain so I slowly and gently opened I up in a flash thinking I could surprise my attacker.

Cake was slowly coming up the stairs when I realised I forgot to put on my towel so I quickly just wrapped it around my self just in time as cake opened the door.

"What is it sweetie?"

"Umm Marshall left his bass here can I go bring it to him?"

"Like this?!?!?"

"Haha no Cake in clothes"

"Yeah you can but first you need food and secondly we have to go help Prince Gumball with cleaning up the party"

"Ok so what's for breakfast???"

"Nuh-uh I ain't telling you till you get some clothes on and get rid of the grass from your hair you've still got some in your hair then you can come down and find out"
I went to say ok but before I could Cake was already down the stairs. I pulled out my hairdryer and brushed and dried and brushed again until it was smooth, then I put on my favourite blue top with matching skirt and my Mary-Jane black shoes then I searched for a good five minuets for my bunny hat...
'Wheres my bunny hat!?'
Then I finally raced down stairs and was at the table before Cake could tell me food was ready.

***Marshall's P.O.V.***

"Ugh Nezzera help me"

"And why should I do that?"

"Because I need my bass for the party tonight"

"Well your the cute genius that lost it"

I stopped 'did she just call me cute?'

"Did you just call me cute?"

"No you must be hearing things marshall"

'I swore she called me cute... eh I need to find my bass'

"Hey marshy?"

"Yes nerd?"

"Do you have a crush on her?"

"Just hold on a second I didn't hear you I was in the fridge do you want a drink while I'm here?"

"Just the usual"



"I'm not a bartender I don't know what your usual is...and you always change it like every month"

"Well obviously blood with a shot of vodka"


As I was making our drinks I heard her mumbling I tried to listen in but all I could make out was one sentence well only a few words... 'Stupid....hero....princes...marshall.....everything she wants'
I stood in silence thinking who was she talking about...

"Oi marshy.."
I almost dropped the cups I must have zoned out...

"Sorry Nerd must've zoned out... So what were you trying to ask me before?"

"Do you have a crush on her?"


"Fionna duh"
She made it sound so obvious like it was a rhetorical question.

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