Chapter 7: Princess's and Fights

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~~~Finn's P.O.V.~~~

It was almost midnight and Jake and I have been climbing the hill for ages, well more like monstrous mountain, Jake had tried to start a conversation a few times but realised it was soon pointless as I wasn't in the mood for talking, and I already knew what he was going to talk about, the same thing what happened with you and Phoebe, what was in the letter, what do you think is over the mountain, what if we don't make it back, all these questions and I couldn't even comprehend to think about answering them, I just wanted to be asleep in my warm cosy bed.

The moon started to fade away as the brightness of the sun started to appear, for some odd reason it seemed as if though the sun was rising from behind us not in front, it seemed odd, I remember sitting in front of the tree house and watching the sun rise over the mountain, now it seemed as if o was on the other side watching it, I opened my mouth to talk to Jake but decided against it, better to save our energy than talking our way through it.

***Gumball's P.O.V.***
I pace around my room for the millionth time, or what it seemed like anyway. I kept on thinking of different strategies on how I could get Fionna away from Marshall, I get it, how could I be so cruel and put her down all these years yet now when she's about to turn eighteen I finally want her, I don't really know, in a way it's the same thing Marshall is going through, he always put her down, only made it clear that they were best friends, if they were best friends why where they hanging out so often, I walk over to my whiteboard, I keep it in the corner so no one could see the flip side of it, I carefully place my hand on what seemed like an unmovable object for it to slightly tip forwards almost knocking my head, I duck out of the way as it puts it self into position as it looked like it never moved, I look at the chart, I know it's weird I keep a chart of what Fionna does but I need to make sure she's okay, I can't let her make the same mistake again...

~~~Phoebe's P.O.V.~~~

I moved from the castle floor to my bed hours ago, too many to remember all I could think of was why did he do this to me, I get it adventure, fun, fame, fortune, but I thought he had everything he wanted with me, I cried myself to sleep at glob knows what hour, as I sleepily rub my eyes I  open them to the dark reddish, orange-y, black prison that was my room. I walked while falling to my bathroom, I cleaned myself up and wiped my face with my hands, I felt my tear stained cheeks and almost began crying again, I couldn't, I shouldn't, I'm an independent woman, I can do whatever I want, I don't need Finn. I walk out from the bathroom and to my bed, just like everyday while I was in the bathroom someone came in and cleaned up my room laying out my clothes for the day, these clothes looked different though, they weren't the average kingly, queenly clothes I wore almost everyday, this looked like a ball gown? I dressed myself in the dress of sorts and walked out of my room closing my door, no one around, the usual, I need to ask someone why I'm dressed like a picture book princess, I walk out of the hallway and over to the throne room, I take my seat on my fathers old throne as people start walking into the seats around, in a way it's like an auditorium, I lose my train of thought as one of my maids, Monica, walks over to me and holds out a letter in her hand, I take the letter cautiously and open it, it reads.

To the Princess Phoebe of the Fire Kingdom,

My son is looking for a wife and your father and I have agreed that you would be a perfect suitor for him, he will arrive at your palace today, make him welcome and show him that you are the perfect bride for him.

-Sincerely Queen Dahra

In frustration I burn the letter, I get a horrified look from Monica who quickly looks away, I smile standing up, they want me to show him how I'm the perfect bride? Maybe I'll show them how un-perfect I am.

***Fionna's P.O.V.***

I wake up to see myself in a heap on the bathroom floor, it's not mine, I know that for sure, I sit up and lean against the wall, recollecting my memories from last night.

"MARSHALL SHE ISNT YOURS AMD SHE CANT BE, YOU KNOW THAT!" I hear screaming from the room next to me, it's sounds like Nezzera, did she say Marshall? I brush it off as the screaming dies down, must've been near the end of the fight, I hear steps walking down the hall, more like stomping, followed by the soft landing of a vampire in front of the door, I hear the lock on the bathroom door click and I slump back onto a heap on the floor as Marshall enters the room. I feel myself being picked up and I hear Marshall muttering something about 'I'll be with her if I want to' I wonder who he's talking about, can't be Nezzera she and him were just fighting, probably some bride to be his mother set him up with. I smile as Marshall exits the house and I feel the cold breeze on my skin making me shiver, I hear Marshall knock on a door, was it ours?
The door opens and I hear someone yelling in a hushed whisper, was it cake? I thought she was living at Lord M's obviously not, I feel Marshall's cold arms release me as someone's soft warms arms take me and walk away, I hear a faint 'Bye' from Marshall as the door closes.


okay so apparently I had this chapter the whole time ;-;

But because I kinda forgot my password for a little while I couldn't update, so sorry about that
Heh, heh...
Forgive Author~Chan please?

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