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Hey guys, I'm super sorry to say this but I'm finally going to put this book on it's long awaited hiatus (I mean its been over a year ffs). I currently don't have the motivation to continue this book, and I feel as though if I try to push out an update it won't be to my standards and would probably be a shit read for you guys. I'll probably come back with and new chapter (and go through the others and update the spelling) in the next few months or so cause I'm finally back at school and have something to procrastinate with. I hope you guys understand. And in the mean time you could read my new book which should be out by the time you're reading this (shameless self promo go read it) its called Shot In The Dark, its about a girl surviving a post-apocalyptic world (how surprising I know). Its kinda a mix of TWD and Last of Us, but I've been super eager to post it for ages now and I really hope you guys like it as much as I do, I'll leave the promo underneath this message and I can't wait to get back into writing. Until next time, have a great day/night!

Shot In The Dark

Sasha Larsen. It's a seemingly normal name, the type of girl you might find in the library studying for a maths test or trying out for cheer squad.

Certainly not the type of girl you'd expect to see selling her body on the city streets or wanted lists.

And certainly not the one who could be a best friend killer.

But at least she managed to miss the shot, y'know the one thats driving everyone insane and into psychotic cannibals.

But honestly whats better, knowing you killed your best friend, or eating them?

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2018 ⏰

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