Chapter 4: Finn?

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~~~Finn's POV~~~
(Didn't see that coming did ya)
Jake and I had been walking the kingdom for 30 seconds before he decided it'd be a good idea to climb the huge mountains surrounding our home and the candy Kingdom, I said yes but I wanted to tell Flame Princess first, I was extremely happy that she took me back and we've been dating now for a couple of years.

At the fire Kingdom I walk over to the guards, they let me pass obviously I've been coming here a bit too often, heh, I thank them and walk in drinking my fire resistance potion, I've got heaps being concocted at home, even though I can only make 3 at a time, I walk into the palace and there she is, in all her beauty, my beautiful girlfriend, I walk up to her and she give me a hug.

"Hi Finn!"
"Hello my spark" She blushed playfully pushing me, I laughed and she laughed along with me, damn I love her, and I'd do anything for her, I needed to somehow bring up the fact that I was going on a journey to the unknown lands, not even PB knew what was over that mountain, and Jake knows he can't even stretch that high, it's taller than the tower that I built, and that's saying a lot, A LOT, I decided that better now than ever.

"Hey Flame, I, uh.. Have to tell you something"

"Okay, is something wrong baby?" She looked so concerned I feel like telling her will break her heart, I really don't want to tell her, shes got some sort of puppy dog eyes look on her face, it's so adorable.

"Well, you know the mountains, behind the candy Kingdom and the treehouse.." She nodded in response and I continued on.

"Well Jake and I, actually, our curiosity got the best of us, and so before my eighteenth birthday we decided to find out what's on the other side, and because no one knows what is on the other si-" I was cut off by a raging, crying Flame princess.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN NO ONE KNOWS?! DOESN'T PRINCESS BUBBLEGUM KNOW!? AND WHY YOU AND WHY BEFORE YOUR EIGHTEENTH BIRTHDAY WHY NOT AFTER, Finn you can't do this to me.." This is going way worse than I expected, my birthdays is in two months and we're leaving tomorrow, if she's acting like this, I may as well just give the letter to PB explain it to her and leave with Jake when dawn breaks.

"Hey I'm sorry, it's okay, I'm still here now, and I won't be gone for long, my birthday is in two months and we're going for about two weeks"

"Are you saying we have to break up, after all this time?" I pulled her in for a hug and brushed away a few strands of hair from her face before whispering in her ear.

"Hey, your my Spark, and my only Spark, you and I will be together, forever, I'll never leave your side, and I am sure as marceline's dad in the nightosphere, that you will do the same" I sighed hugging her a bit tightly while she stepped away from me, she was beautiful, my darling, I couldn't wait to get back, Jake had helped me with a surprise I was going to give her when I got back, she started humming the tune to her favourite song, I hummed along with her while she sung.

"You are my sunshine,
My only sunshine.
You make me happy,
When skies are grey.
You'll never know dear,
How much I love you,
Just please don't take..
My sunshine away.." It made my cry seeing her eyes full of tears, sniffling, brushing her hair out of her face with her hands, I stepped forward cupped her face in my hands and passionately kissed her, she stepped away first, which surprised me but i was too many tears to think about it.

"I love you, Phoebe" she burst into tears running forward hugging me, it pained me to push her away, but I had to, Jake was calling me, I gently pushed her away from me, it was a bit of a struggle as she was holding on to my shirt, she eventually let go, I walked out of the palace with Jake and all I could hear was her sobs, I turned back and what I saw broke my heart, there on the floor in a pile, was the girl I loved, I can't go back, it'll just make it worse, I asked Jake if he could carry me home, he agreed and I jumped on his back, it was silent on the way home, I decided to break the awkwardness, I brushed away my tears so I could see clearly and leant closer to Jake's ears.

"Hey bud, can we go visit PB quickly I need to give her something"

"Sure Finn, I'm sorry about Flame Princess"

"Thanks Jake, and she's told you and me many times, her names Phoebe, so call her Phoebe" Once we were in the candy Kingdom Jake took me straight to the castle, The banana guards let me past, I went straight to the lab, she's probably there, I talked to her and gave her the letter with strict instructions to not give Phoebe the letter until 2 weeks after we were due back, she agreed and we said goodbye.

Jake carried me home and we both went to bed.

Dawn awoke us both, we grabbed our bags and set off towards the mountains, this was going to be a long journey...


Ok sorry yeah I shouldn't be around in public or on social media, anyway, this took way too long to come up with, but it's here, anyone have any ideas about what gunna happen next chapter?? >:D before I bore you with my awkwardness, FAREWELL

Keep Rawring Tigers
-and secret unicorns-
~Jessi out

Wait I'm a few words from 1000 OKEI BAI

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