There's Only You

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Welcome to the land of aaa I have written this dear story for two very dear friends of mine now let me tell you what's happened in the last 24 hours...
But but but... Please note it may get emotional... Now quiet it's starting
Ok so here's the story about how our bad boy vampire marshall lee and our good little girl fionna fell in love I now pronounce to you their story.
There's Only You~Fiolee
So there stood Fionna ever so awkwardly in her blue laced white gown with her little bunny eared hat her sister had made for her it had almost taken all night she was so happy for her sister, cake was turning 23 this year and in 2 months Fionna would turn 18. Cake walked to Fionna with a look of glum on her to face,

"Prince Gumball hasn't show up yet?"

"No but it's almost too late to come anyway"

"Come on girl he'll be here he asked you, now why don't you come with me and help with my cake were gonna cut it now"

"Yeah alright so what flavour is it?"

"My Baby wouldn't tell me he wants to keep it a surprise this year"

"Haha I'll go find out for you cake come on LETS GO EAT CAKE"

"Not me I hope"

"No never your too important"

"Then come on girl let's go eat cake"
As they cut the cake which turned out to be a rainbow flavoured cake a second one a bit smaller came out on a tray with an edible sign on it: Cake. Lord monochrome was tapping and scraping the floor but as always only Cake new what he was saying the as if a bomb had gone off Cake's tail came to life Fionna getting a bit worried asked her,
"Yo Cake you ok"
Cakes eyes sprung to life and Fionna realised what the special single cake for cake was.

"Oh haha Cake you got some catnip"

"Yeah mmm yummy catnip"
Cake was practically drooling which made Fionna laugh even more.

"Hey cake I'm going to get some fresh air ok?"

Cakes mouth was full of the catnip cake.

Fionna wandered outside into the eternal darkness, she walked over to a little stream and put her hand in,
'Hmm not to warm not too cold'
She thought to herself so she slipped of her white 2 inch high heels that were killing her feet and she slipped her feet into the slow moving stream, summer one of the worst times in the year, sometimes the heat got so hot it can and again would this year melt the candy people. Fionna felt she heard a twig break from the Forrest of trees behind her she new something was approaching but she had left her bag with her sword inside and by the time she was in her shoes and running whatever behind her would have already gotten her so she just tried to stay calm, then all of a sudden her bunny eared hat was taken off her.

She said in a whiny voice
"I'm not in the mood"

"Why not bunny"

"Cuz it's Cakes birthday and I was invited to dance with someone but they didn't show up"

"Lemme guess Prince Gumball?"
He knew her answer but he didn't like it.

"Well yeah he didn't show after he asked me yesterday, and now I'm a bit lonely and depressed"

"Why so, I'm here"

"You really wanna know marshall?"

"Yeas I do bunny... But first just let's lie down on the grass and look at the sky"

"Can I still keep my feet in the water"

"Yeah cuz we both will"

"Ok so here goes"

"I'm listening bunny"

"Shut up so I can say it goofball"

"Ok,ok,ok I'll shut up now"

"Good so it's all so confusing because every prince is either too old for me, too young for me,has a girlfriend or wife already or just isn't interested"
Fionna took a deep breath she knew Marshall and her could share secrets that would never be told
But he was taking a lot longer to answer than usuall so Fionna just took her feet out of the still slow moving stream and without putting her shoes back on walked away forgetting her hat letting her long beautiful blonde hair blow with the breeze, but before she was out of Marshall's ear shot she said,

"Thanks for listening marshall I'm going to go back inside your welcome too but bye"
Once he knew Fionna was gone he sighed,

"I'm not a prince i'm a king"
He glumly stood up and walked home with Fionns bunny eared hat and his shoes, and he knew that this was going to be a long night...
Authors Note
OK so hai Tigers and readers i just wanted to say I'm sorry of my grammar sucked same as this story really really sorry but I just thought I'd give it a try do yeah um if you have any suggestions to make the story more good like adventuress he girls go on or an idea for Fionna's cake for her birthday and blah,blah,blah I can be really boring but comment follow (if your not already) and vote please ok so bye
Keep RAWRING Tigers 🐯

There's Only You~FioleeWhere stories live. Discover now