Chapter 5: The Party

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***Fionna's P.O.V.***
I looked over to the clock, it was almost ten, nine fifty four to be exact, Marshall should be here any minute now, I decided to make a sandwich before he came, once it was made I sat down at the table I took a bite.

"Oh hey Marshall" Marshall became visible hovering above me with a shocked expression it was sorta cute, Cute? Wait what?

"HOW? How did you know I was there?!" He seemed a bit panicked it was funny I giggled taking another bite of my sandwich.

"Oh ya know, being around you for so long I can sense when your around" I said it so calmly Marshall gave me a look like he was about to say something important, it soon quickly changed to one of excitement.

"So you ready to go to this party?" He smirked at me holding out his hand, I took it and stood up next to him.

"When have I ever said no to you?"

"Never" he laughed, I climbed onto his back and we flew off to the party.

~~~Finn's P.O.V.~~~
"Hey Jake, what do you think will be over the mountains?" We had finally reached the base of the mountain.

"I don't know man, could be anything, it could be more monsters or something" I smiled at the idea of killing more bad guys, but that smile quickly faded away.

"What if we don't come back, what if PB has to give Phoebe the letter?" Jake grabbed my arm and turned me so I was facing him.

"Finn the letter was just a precaution, it was a back up plan in case we got stuck there, we're not going to die, we don't even know if there's actually anything in there, it could just be a black abyss at the top, or maybe a lost Kingdom, anything and most likely everything could be up there" I sighed as Jake and I began to climb the gigantic mountain, I sigh hoping that Bubblegum doesn't have to give Phoebe that letter.

***Marshall's P.O.V***
We arrived at the party and it was in full swing, I had to be careful and stay around Fionna the whole time anything and everything could happen, I remember one time some guy thought he had found a human and as he was about to turn her to avampire he saw she already had bite marks, he was pissed and ruined the party, he never came back, no one knows If it was from embarrassment or because of anger, I feel a hand grab my shoulder and I snap back into reality.

"Hello~? Is anyone home" I smiled at Fionna, she was so cute, adorable and- I was spun around and my hand was grabbed taking dragging me through the crowd, I struggled against the hand but then heard a soothing voice, that was basically yelling at me.

"WHY DID YOU BRING HER HERE?!" Nezzera screamed in my ear, the music was too loud I could barely hear her, I could tell she was angry, Fionna was basically an outsider but since she was with me I think she'd let it pass, I had to get to her before anything happened, I tried pulling away but her grip on me was too strong.

"Nezzera let me go! I need to get back to Fionna" I look into her eyes, there're a beautiful brown, almost black, but still brown, She glares at me and I plead for her to release me, she eventually gives up and I race through the crowd trying to find Fionna.

"So what's a pretty lady like you doing here all alone?" I freeze, it couldn't be, it's impossible, no, NO, I slowly turn around to see Fionna surrounded by a bunch of guys.

***Fionna's P.O.V.***
"So what's a pretty lady like you doing here all alone?" I'm asked, I blush lightly and turn around to see a man a few years older than me leaning above me, he's got shaggy blond hair and dreamy blue eyes a strong build and a very good sense in clothing.

"Oh I'm not here alone-"

"But you are, I see no one here with you" I quickly look around me not turning my attention away from this man, 'where'd Marshall go?' I ask myself, I sigh and turn back to him smiling.

"May I have this dance then?" He holds his hand out to me, I step forward holding my hand out ready to grasp his when something else grabs it. Shocked I see Marshall, the first thought I have is anger, he left me here alone, then my expression soothes after he starts talking.

"Excuse me, I'll be taking her off you"

"You have no right, I asked first" The mystery man states, Marshall turns to me and I nod.

"Oh but I have all the right, she's my girlfriend and I'd like to keep her to myself, Jason" I blush furiously and nod my head stuttering out a yes, this Jason glares at Marshall and storms off, Marshall turns to me opening his mouth to talk then shutting it quickly.

"Where moving away from here c'mon" I nod and he grabs my hand, walking me through the crowd, I try to scream where are we going, he either didn't hear me or is ignoring me, I really needed to talk to him about what he just said...

***Prince Gumball's P.O.V.***
"So there dating?" I quietly ask Jason

"So he says" I nod nibbling on the nail of my thumb, it's a habit I've had, I've been stressing out about Fionna, she's been drifting away from me ever since her and Marshall started hanging out more, I'm not trying to be protective of her but it just scares me, what if he turns her, what if she makes the wrong mistake..

***Marshall's P.O.V.***
I'm dragging Fionna away from that guy when Nezzera grabs my arm.

"Dude c'mon, were about to play Truth or Dare!" Fionna, Nezzera and I are sat down at the long table and awaited the host to begin the game...


This chapter took me way to long to complete, I was out of ideas so I decided to play a game of truth or dare, I've started this thing where each chapter needs to be 1000+ words so the next chapter should be up sometime next week, anyway until then farewell

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