Chapter 6: Truth

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***Fionna's P.O.V.***
Some guy in a Scarlett suit walks across the table, he looks in his early twenties, he's got a strong build and looks very hot if I do say so, everyone cheers for him, I guess he's the host and the person who put this party together, he waves his arms in a matter for everyone to quieten down, slowly everyone stops and the room becomes dead silent, he takes a few steps forward to the middle of the table and begins talking.

"Thank you all for coming tonight and welcome to our annual party game this year, we will be playing Truth or Dare!" Everyone around us starts screaming, i even see a few girls underpants being thrown at them, don't they know they need to keep them on? He continues his speech with the rules of the game, in my opinion they're pretty obvious rules, don't do too sexual dares, don't dare people to tell the truth, and no forcing people into stuff, so I guess that's okay?

"As the host I will start the game" he continues, I see Nezzera nudge Marshall giving him a worrying look, my thoughts are interrupted by the host continuing.

"Truth or dare..." He looks around the long stretching table, looking like he's a lioness waiting to pounce on her prey, he knows he's got to start the game off with a bang to keep it fun and interesting, he begins walking up and down the table, ignoring the many fangirls whispering 'pick me!'

"You!" I had a mini heart attack, he was pointing to me, Nezzera quickly stood up and defiantly slammed her hands down on the table.

"DARE!" She turned towards me and winked, then quickly turned back to the man climbing on top of the table to meet his gaze, he looked her up and down then smirked, many girls were crowding around the table between their staring contest, he then clapped his hands together.

"Well Darling, very brave are you" Nezzera mocked him by following his mouth movements with her hand.

"Ooh~ a feisty one, well darling, why don't you go and bring me prince up-his-pink-ass' boxers" He gestured to the door, then returning his gaze back to hers.

"Give me a moment" She jumped off the table and walked to the bar, she got herself a jug of some red drink and walked back to the table, once there she glared at the man and started drinking the jug.

"She's not gonna drink al-" I was cut off by Marshall putting his hand around my mouth, he gave me a nod and whispered in my ear.

"Yes she has too, it's the first dare of the game, and she will, she never passes up an opportunity like this, now shhh" He slowly removes his hand from my mouth as Nezzera was finishing the jug, she started floating towards the door, once there she stopped walked through it and all we could hear was the running of her footsteps on the stones outside, the host walked back down the table to some sort of velvety-throne like chair, he sat back down as Nezzera ran back in screaming she had them, she ran over to U.S. And jumped up onto the table holding in her hand the boxers of no other than, Prince Gumball.

"Very good, indeed very good darling, tell me what's your name?"

"The name is Darkness, you can call me Nezzera" Nezzera did some sort of bow which lead to her holding the boxers infront, she threw them at the host who didn't seem at all phased by the fact that there were boxers atop his head, he just calmly took them and threw them into the crowd of over excited girls around the table, the game continued on late into the night there were many dares dared and many truths that's where truths you answered, the last questioner was the host, he had been asked many times during the night but apparently he only starts and ends the game.

"For the final person I choose you" I was shocked he pointed right at me, Nezzera started climbing on the table but as the man walked closer he pushed her off it.

"Not you, I want her" He held out his hand before me and I shakily took it standing up in the table, I reached for my bunny ears to grasp onto but remembered I had left them at home, I was completely nervous, what would happen? What if I have to do something evil? What if I die? All these questions running around in my head, o guess the host must've seen this as he was very quick to reassure me.

"Oh don't worry darling, I won't hurt you, now as you may know, my name is Lucifer or as people before the mushroom war called me, the devil" There were many gasps around the room, mostly from his fangirls, feeling more confident i rolled my eyes and let go of the hosts, I mean Lucifer's hand, he looked toward me and raised his eyebrow.

"Truth or Dare...?" I looked over to Marshall who shook his head mouthing the words not dare over and over again, it frustrated me, he treats me like a child, I'm not one I turned back to Lucifer and calmly said.


***Marshall's P.O.V.***

"Dare" No Fionna! She's so stupid, anything could happen I can't intervene, I wait anxiously as Lucifer looks her up and down and contemplates his dare for her, he begins to open his mouth and the rooms goes quiet.

"Well darling, I dare you to come and give me a quick Kiss, just here" he tentatively places his finger on his lips, I panic, Nezzera looks at me worriedly and she shakes her head, I plead with my eyes watching Fionna start to walk forward towards him, the girls behind us start whispering, I'm worried for Fionna this can go two ways, both are bad. I look back to Nezzera who has made her way down the table closer to Lucifer, suddenly my phone vibrates I take it out and it's a message from Nezzera.

'I'll grab him you get her out of here' as I'm about to text back she sends me another one.

'He knows she isn't a vampire, he'll try to turn her, get her to your place, and have the first-aid kit ready' I look up to Nezzera and nod confidently, I'm about to walk climb up the table to trap her when the door burst open with a loud crash.

"FIONNA!" She turns to the door and I see her face light up, I race up to grab her, she screams and I fly out the skylight, I try talking to her but she's too panicked I hear many shouts and screams from behind me, and I can tell there's a fight going on, once we reached our place I out Fionna in the bathroom and locked the door, she screams and pounds on the door but I pay no attention to her, I run madly around the house worried for Nezzera, I grab a first-aid kit, a towel, her bear, and her headphones, I sit on the uncomfortable couch waiting for Nezzera to come home, it's early morning when I finally hear Fionna's pleads for help quieten down and i feel my eyes slowly closing.

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