Chapter 8: Washed Clothes

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***Gumballs' P.O.V.***

I was utterly confused when I opened my door to find a sleeping Fionna held in the hands of Marshall, I glared at him and began yelling at him in a hushed voice.

"What are you doing here?"

"I-I need you to take her, if Cake finds her at my house she'll knock my head off!" Marshall replied to the Prince and his interrogative stare.

"Why do you think I can take her? And what will I say if Cake finds her here?" Marshall shrugged and slowly let Fionna into my arms. I slammed the door in his face and wandered up to a spare room, i lay Fionna on the bed and admired her calm expression before calling for my Peppermint Maid. She came hurriedly to where i called her, she looked up at me shyly. I honestly don't blame her, what with the last incident, she was a clone of my original Peppermint Maid.

"Y-Yes Sir Gumball?" She fiddled with her fingers and tried not to make direct eye contact with me, She was a cute candy citizen and i loved her more than my last maid, But now isn't the time to dwell on that.

"Oh yes, how to put this.. well Fionna is in this room behind me, and uh it seems she is passed out, so if i were to undress her it'd-" i awkwardly began before Peppermint Maid nodded curtly and walked into the room closing the door.

"Good night Sir, I'll deal with our guest," i heard muffled by the door between us.

"Thank you" I begin walking back to my room and sit down at my desk onlooking the Candy Kingdom, i look out the window at the gorgeous night sky and sigh heavily, I begin writing a note for Fionna, i don't want her to panic when she wakes up and realises that she's not in Marshall's care. Before going to my bed i walked back to the room Fionna was in and slid the note under the door. Hopefully she'll see it in the morning or whenever she awakes.

Once back in my room i climb into my bed and lay awake staring at my roof for a few hours before drifting off into a worryingly sleep.

~~~Phoebe's P.O.V.~~~

So this 'Suitor' for me was supposed to arrive today... It had kept me up all night, i found myself staring at walls or the ceiling often, but it wasn't as bad as last night. I was so twitchy and jumpy i had to keep leaving my bed pace around my room for about a half an hour or so and then climb back into bed and repeat the process every couple of hours. I was nervous, i hadn't figured out a dead plan that would get rid of this suitor for me.

I stood pacing every few seconds in my study, wearing a red knee high dress with black polka dots all over it and yellow hemming around the edges along with a yellow belt for my waist, it was simple but gorgeous. Reminded me of a ladybug. And honestly, i hated it. I wanted to rip it off and throw it in the trash, i never had liked wearing dresses, they made me feel girly. Which was good for balls and such i suppose, but when you put me in a dress like this and set me up for a playdate, I'm gonna disagree with everything. Monica walked into my study and gave me a shocked expression followed by a gasp.

"Oh dear Phoebe, you shouldn't worry. Its not good for your health"

"Well how can i not worry? My boyfriend is climbing some mountain and i have a suitor that is arriving today. And with Finn gone people won't believe me when i say i am already in a relationship" I sunk in my chair sighing heavily, Monica was the only one i trusted enough to tell her about Finn and if word got out i was dating someone who wasn't a prince, I couldn't guarantee his saftey. Shaking my head slightly i continued my rant.

"And i just dont want to meet this prince, I dont want to wear this dress i just," i sighed heavily and Monica rushes over and took my hands in hers.

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