Chapter 3: UGHHH

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***Fionna's P.O.V***

I ran home out of embarrassment and excitement cake was out with lord monicorn so I was home alone to do anything! Seriously cake is never home anymore I dont know why she trusts me so much like seriously I'm turning 18 in a few months you'd think she'd keep more of an eye on me.... Eh I'm happy at least but I still call out to make sure...heh butts
I listen intently waiting for some sort of reply but not even BMO's home, probably out with N.E.P.T.O.R having fun dancing or whatever they do.

I walk to the kitchen and make myself a sandwich and go to my bedroom, I'm so happy cake let me move into one of our many rooms, it was never used anyway. I go to under my bed and pull out 2 books, the Enchiridion and some sort of diary or journal I write in, I open my diary/journal thingy-Mabob and turn it to a new page I then open the Enchiridion and pull out a book that's hidden in a cut out part of the book, I open the book and read it, it's a story that I'm writing about some guys named Finn and jake, I stole the original idea off ice queen and I really liked it so I'm writing my own version of it, Don't Judge me it's really good, I proceed to write about what happened with Marshall in my diary thingy and then write half of chapter 10 in my book, I still don't know what to call it tho, but that's not really important what's important is that I write the book and like it.

***Marshall's P.O.V***

I slump down on the couch i never really notice how hard this thing is until I actually sit on it, I better go check up on Nezzera I heard the glass break and it kinda scared me, I would've checked on her sooner if it wasn't for Fionna coming over, heh at least I have my bass now.

I walk into my room and go to the wardrobe I pull out some sort of black teddy bear, it was Nezzera's Favourite toy as a kid I walk to her room, she walked back in and I need a distraction so I can see what the glass smashing was...

I walk to Nezzera's room, she's sitting down in the corner where she usually is, I don't know it's something about her and having somesort of protection next to her, it's been a thing since we were both in our early teens 13, 14 maybe I'm pretty sure I've narrowed it down to traumatisation when she was younger or just out of habbit, I'm really hoping that it's the second option, but yeah things happen, as I walked closer to her she sniffled and looked up at me, I knew how to act around her when she was like this, I spoke in a soft, heavenly, calm and soothing voice.

"Hey Nezzera, are you okay?"
She looked at me then her eyes darted to the bear, back and forth a couple of times then she tensed up before looking back down and talking to me.

"I-I-I'm fine Marshall..."

"Are you sure Nezzera? Why are you in the corner again then"
She didn't respond I walked a bit a closer and went onto my knee, I knew something was wrong but couldn't help her if she didn't tell me what was wrong. I sighed holding the bear in front of her, it took her a couple of minutes to realise what it was but when she did, she quickly grabbed it I barely had time to even let go, I leaned closer and kissed her forehead, I was basically her dad when she was like this, i don't even understand how we survived the mushroom war at all.. I whispered softly in her ear, for some reason it calmed her down. A lot.

"Nezzera if you need anything I'll probably be in the kitchen or in my room, come talk to me when your ready"
I walked around her room pretending to clean up, I walked into her bathroom and her phone was lighting up I looked at it, there where messages from some guy named Bailey.

"Bailey? I don't know any Bailey"
I muttered under my breath, then I heard Nezzera stand up so I walked out of the room as quickly as a I could and went into the kitchen to make myself a sandwich.

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