06.1 [ A night for the two of us: Kazuther ]

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Aight so if anyone reading doesn't like kissing and heated action then you should stop right here and skip to chapter 7 (no it's not smut)

If you're reading this before I finish writing the next chapter then uh... just wait <3


Venti and Xiao returned to their room after an hour of gaming. It left Kazuha and Aether alone in the living room. Aether took the remote controller and switched off the TV.

Kazuha put both their controllers away and then placed himself onto Aether's lap. He curled up and shut his eyes, basking in the embrace of his boyfriend.

"Are you tired Kazu?"

The younger boy just nodded and felt Aether untying his hair. His hands brushing through his hair felt calming. Aether on the other hand, just felt satisfied with being alone with the one he loved

Kazuha's head rest on Aether's shoulder and his hands were placed onto his chest. The gaming they had been busy with before hand made their hearts beat faster with all the tension. Now, they were both relaxed and they eased each other's breathing.

The steady beat of Aether's heart linked to Kazuha's as they started beating in sync. While listening to the younger's soft breathing, Aether found himself being loathed to sleep. Then he felt a hand cup his cheek

"You still awake bb?"

His voice was soft and soothing, his low tone had risen from his tiredness and Aether opened his eyes to look at him

"I'm awake, why?"

Before he knew it, Kazuha pushed his lips onto Aether's. The older of the two was surprised by his sudden action but then quickly returned the kiss.

Kazuha repositioned himself to face Aether, not breaking the kiss they shared. His arms wrapped around Aether's neck as the older held Kazuha's waist. The kiss carried no lust, it was pure love.

Once they both broke the kiss, they parted for air and Aether saw Kazuha's blush pink cheeks. His cream coloured hair that just grew past his shoulders fell onto his face and the single red streak curled behind his ear

"Kazuha... what was that for?"

The younger just got even more flustered at the question but then his expression changed to disappointment. His eyes changed from loving to worried and it scared Aether a little

"Did I make you uncomfortable...?"

His question caught Aether off guard but he quickly cupped Kazuha's face and made their noses touch

"Don't get me wrong babe, I loved the kiss. It just surprised me, that's all"

Kazuha smiled in relief and hugged his lover. His random actions never had any explaination and Aether was already used to it. In fact, he had grown to enjoy Kazuha's sporadic bursts of affection.

Usually it was Aether who initiated the affection but after the whole practice and unusual happiness during their dinner, Kazuha just felt like it was the right thing to do.

Aether then slightly picked up Kazuha and let him lay down on the couch. Aether then moved himself to hover over him. The position made Kazuha blush so he averted Aether's piercing gaze be looking to the side.

"Hey, look at me"

The younger male felt Aether's long braid fall and tickle his neck. His blood red eyes met with Aether's caramel coloured eyes and his cheeks just got even more flustered. Aether then used one of his hand to cup Kazuha's, leaving his other hand to keep him from squashing his boyfriend.

"Wh-what is it Ae...?"

Kazuha's voice became shaky with how much he was nervous and flustered. Aether gave him a gentle smile and linked their lips into another loving kiss.

Kazuha wrapped his arms around Aether's neck and pulled him closer to deepen their kiss. He felt Aether slightly tilt his head to get a better angle which gave the younger a new feeling of affection.

He didn't feel any lust. It was more of just a new perspective on Aether's love for him. Through this single kiss, Kazuha felt like he could see into Aether's feelings and could just bathe in the overwhelming affection.

The two boys continued the kiss until they broke apart, gasping for air. Aether sat on Kazuha's thighs and left his mouth slightly open to fill in the oxygen he was lacking. Kazuha sat up and leaned back on his hands, panting and trying to catch his breath just as Aether was.

Neither of them said anything because nothing had to be said. Once they finally started breathing normally, Kazuha let out a small chuckle as Aether got off him. The two of them walked back into their room, Aether turning off the lights before he followed his lover into their room.

They both changed into their nightwear and then prepared for sleep. Then the two boys collapsed onto Kazuha's bed. Aether didn't want to climb the ladder up to his own bed, Kazuha could sense his laziness and he simply allowed him to stay.



Once again, their eyes met and Aether made their foreheads touch

"I love you~"

Kazuha sighed and smiled before replying

"I love you too"


Hehe some Kazuther stuffs <3

I wrote this part before the Xiaoven one so Im just gonna say that I plan to make their night a little bit more... loving ;)

And yes I do know that Kazuha is still only 18 in the AU. Some people may find it disgusting but I find it pretty normal :p
It's just your personal preference if you enjoy reading this type of stuff

Enjoy your dayyyyyy :D

Date Written~ 23rd June 2021
Word Count~ 942
Written by~ Saku._.kkura

Boy group Lovers~ A Xiaoven + Kazuther Idol AUWhere stories live. Discover now