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"Ughhh I'm soo tiredddd"

Venti lay flat on his stomach with his face in his pillow. Xiao wheeled back on his chair and laughed a little a the sight of his boyfriend

"You've been laying in bed for two hours, what's so tiring about that?"

The older rolled around and sat up, his hair tangled and knotted.

"I'm tired from the four performances we did, definitely rewarding but very tiring"

"It's only Thursday babe, we still have two more performances to go. And they're both music shows"

Venti rubbed his eyes sleepily while stretching his arms out. Xiao quickly saved the stuff he had been working on earlier and then shut his computer off.

"Mm... come here"

Venti stumbled out of bed and fell into Xiao's arms. He positioned himself to sit on Xiao's lap comfortably as he closed his eyes and started to drift off to sleep again.

"Hey don't start sleeping again-"

"But you're so comfy and warmmmm"

"Yeah but then again it's already 1pm, we should eat something"

Venti sighed and got up while grabbing Xiao's wrist. He was dragged out to the living room and they started preparing lunch.

"What do you wanna eat?"

"Mm... something small would be fine"

"Then a sandwich would do?"

Venti nodded and Xiao started to get out some food

"I'm gonna go get my phone, hold on"

Before Xiao could even say anything, Venti had already dashed off. He just sighed and continued to prepare their lunch. When Venti came back, he had tied up his hair and was looking a lot more refreshed

"Alright! I want to just take some photos to post on our group account."

"Mm okay, just don't touch any of the food alright?"

"Ehe okay!!"

As Venti casually took pictures every now and then, Xiao was finishing off their lunch. He brought the plates outside and washed his hands before sitting down across from Venti

"Xixi~ Smile!!"


Venti took a selfie and put down his phone

"Okieee let's eat!!"

"Could've warned me a little earlier that you were going to take a photo of my face. I look like trash right now"

Venti just giggled and took a bite out of his sandwich.

"Don't think that!! I think you look kinda hot right now"

Xiao choked on his saliva in surprise and stared at Venti with widened eyes

"Seriously, what the heck Ven!?!!"

"Come on, you can't disagree~"

He sighed and decided not to say anymore. They both continued to go back and forth with their usual conversations as they slowly finished their food.

"Here let me wash up! After all, you did cook the food"

"Yeah I cooked because you would burn down the whole kitchen"


Venti took the plates back into the kitchen and Xiao returned back their bedroom. He picked up his phone and saw a bunch of messages from the 4NEMO x TVT DREAM group chat sent 1 hour ago

Boy group Lovers~ A Xiaoven + Kazuther Idol AUWhere stories live. Discover now