21.5 [ Solo Activities: Autumn ]

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"Shall we go now?"

Kazuha looked up from his phone and saw Aether smiling at him. Looking at the alarm clock on the nightstand, Kazuha mentally read the date and time.

8:35am October 29th...

He smiled and nodded to his boyfriend

"Mm, let's go"

"Wait, before we go I remembered I had to do something"

Kazuha was about to ask what it was when he felt a soft pair of lips on his own. The younger gladly accepted the kiss and after a bit, they pulled away

"Just one last kiss before going out and having to act like friends"

The cream haired boy couldn't help but laugh a little. He reached out of his mask and looped it around his ears, waiting for Aether to do the same. Kazuha then pulled the older out to the main area and saw Xiao staring out the window while sitting on the couch

"Xiao when's Venti gonna come home?"

"Mm, his flight is 7pm. He should get back to the dorms at around 10pm"

Kazuha slowly nodded before speaking again

"Before I forget, please tell him hello for us. We'll probably be asleep be the time he gets back"

"Mhm, will do"

The two younger boys slipped on their shoes and left the dorm, shutting the door behind them. Aether lead Kazuha out of the building and stood at the bus stop

"First stop, food. We need something to eat"

"Hm yes of course"

The bus arrived and they both boarded, taking a seat at the back to not drag so much attention. Once they sat down, Aether slightly shifted closer to Kazuha so that their shoulders were touching.

"You look especially nice today"

"Of course, I need to. It's a special someone's birthday~"

Kazuha chuckled and quietly snaked his arm around Aether's waist

"Thank you for spending today with me, I thought maybe you'd want to do something special for Venti's return"

"Xiao will figure something out, once we get back he should be starting to prepare something. Ah wait-"

Aether facepalmed and Kazuha then realised what miscalculation Aether had made

"Doesn't Xiao start his solo activities today?"

"Yea he does... I guess we'll have to cut our date short then. Hah... if only we could spend endless days of relaxation together."

"Don't wish for such a thing, life would be so incredibly boring to repeat the same actions over and over again. Besides, it's quite enjoyable to have stuff to do"

Aether snuggled closer to Kazuha, making sure no one was looking. Luckily no one had realised two idols were on the bus so the young couple didn't get disturbed at all.

Once they arrived at the cafe, they both sat down in a quiet corner and a waiter came over to give them the menu. They quickly ordered a bit of food then patiently waited for the food to arrive.

"You feeling hungry?"

Aether reached over the table to grab Kazuha's hand

"Not really, you?"

The blonde shook his head in response

"Me neither, lets eat quickly so we have more time to do other stuff"

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