Chapter 14: The Guise

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Y/N looks through some papers and sorts them out. He never went through so many papers before in his entire life. But it's what to expect since he had joined the CCG and there was no way they would allow someone so new to go into combat and use a quinque. 

His girlfriend was rather shocked by his wanting to join the CCG. But she did understand his reasoning, but it still didn't stop from her not liking it. But Touka was going to support him no matter what as her love for him was vast. 

Y/N also hated that he was there as well. He understood the reason why they fought ghouls but didn't like how sadistic and heartless some ghoul investigators can when it comes to killing ghouls. 

But he had a purpose and was going to fulfill it no matter what needed to be done. Speaking of what was done, he sorts out a few papers and drops them on the desk he was going and leans back in his chair. 

"Finally, I'm done," he said. 

Suddenly, more papers were dropped onto his desk. "More work," someone said. 

"Great..." Y/N said as sarcastically as he possibly could. 

The person handing him more working steps aside from the pile and reveals themselves as Shinohara. He chuckles and tells him "sorry, but you know how things are around here." 

"I've only been here for about a week and know that these are the good days," Y/N said before working on the new papers. 

"You learn quick," Shinohara stated. 

"I always do," Y/N retorted. 

"Hey, Y/N, you mind if I ask you a question?" Shinohara inquired. 

"Why did I join the CCG?" Y/N questioned. 

"Took the words right out of my mouth," Shinohara replied. 

"Well, I joined because of how things are getting. You know the whole situation regarding those Aogiri Tree bastards. I came here to do whatever I can do to help instead of fucking around and not doing anything and get upset when things get worst," Y/N explained to him. 

"Makes sense," Shinohara commented. "That is one thing I always liked about you, Y/N. Your determination and not feeling sorry for yourself." 

"Thanks," Y/N replied. 

"By the way, Amon is really happy that you joined. I've never seen him this happen before," Shinohara told him. 

"That's good. I'm glad that he's happy. I haven't seen him genuinely smile in a long time," Y/N retorted. 

"Well, it's good that he is now," said Shinohara before checking his watch. "I got to you. I'll see you later, Y/N." 

"See ya," Y/N said as Shinohara left. 

He kept looking through the papers and sorting them accordingly. That is until he came across certain papers about the man known as Akihiro Kanou. "Perfect," he thought while taking the papers and pulling them away in a folder he had brought with him. 

He sets it aside to be taken away later. He continues with the rest of the papers until getting a phone call. He pulls out his phone and sees it's from the love of his life. He answers saying "hey, Touka." 

"Hey, how are you doing?" she asked him. 

"I'm tired. Studying is hard enough and this shit isn't helping," he answered. 

"Then maybe you should quit," she told him. 

"You know why I'm doing this," he retorted. 

"I know, but that doesn't stop me from worrying about you. What if there's some massive fight and they decide to set you into battle or something?" she told him. 

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