What If Chapter 15: The Lab

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Jumping from building to building, Y/N watched Kaneki closely as he made his way to Kanou's lab. "What the hell are you doing, Kaneki?" Y/N asked while keeping his distance.

"My dear sweet Kaneki, but I believe someone is allowing us," Tsukiyama told the white haired ghoul.

"I know," he replied. "Y/N, you can some hiding."

Y/N walks out and reveals himself in front of Kaneki and his group. "Been awhile," Y/N said.

"It really has been," Kaneki retorted.

With his right eye becoming a kakugan, Y/N asks him "what exactly are you doing?"

With Kaneki's left eye becoming a kakugan as well, he tells him "going after the man responsible for what we have become."

"Hmmm," Y/N responded.

"You can join us if you want," Kaneki told him.

"Huh?" responded Ichimi, Jiro, and Sante.

"Kaneki, are you sure bro?" Banjo asked him.

"Yes, are you sure?" Tsukiyama questioned Kaneki.

"It'll be fine," Kaneki reassured them. "Y/N is a friend after all."

"It's true," Y/N retorted. "And I'll come along. Just for this. And then we go our separate ways."

"Sounds good to me," Kaneki replied.

Y/N takes out of his mask and puts it on. "Let's go."

Time goes by and they all reach Kanou's mansion. "This is the place, right?" Tsukiyama asked.

"Yeah, it is," Kaneki answered.

They walk up to the front door. "I wonder if it's open," Banjo said.


Y/N places his foot on the ground after kicking the door in. "It is now," he said while walking in.

"Let's split up and look around," Kaneki said.

"There aren't any ghosts, right?" Banjo asked.

"Scary," said Tsukiyama.

"So ghouls can be scared of ghosts," Kanaeki thought.

Y/N looked around the mansion that seemed rather empty. Kaneki and Y/N walked upstairs and kept looking around. As Kaneki talked with a woman, Y/N kept trying to find something. He ran two of his fingers on a wall and looked at them.

Dust. He picked up dust. "Hmm, seems like Kanou doesn't even use this mansion. Perhaps this place is just a cover up," Y/N thought.

"Kaneki!!" Banjo shouted. This caught Y/N's attention and he ran over to Kaneki and Banjo. "I found some stairs on the first floor! I think it's a basement!"

"Show me," Kaneki told him.

The whole group heads down and sure enough, it was a basement. But more than just that. They all were walking down a giant hallway. "Jeez, this mansion is far too large. How much did that fucking bastard save up?" Y/N asked.

"Hell if I know," Kaneki retorted.

Tsukiyama processes to explain a story about the mansion and a family living here before all getting slaughtered. "What a terrible story," Kaneki commented.

"Jeez, but I can't say I'm surprised," Y/N retorted. "I've been stabbed by ghouls before and even had my kidneys ripped out. So hearing about a ghoul killing a family sounds like any other day."

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