Chapter Thirteen Part II

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If you didn't read the previous chapter's warning, then just know this is a continuation of the make out session last chap. But, this is... mature with adult content so please if you're not comfortable with this you can just skip this part but only read the last few sentences pls.

Geto Suguru

He pulls his shirt off, his hair which was tied into a tight bun now lose and spilling over his shoulders. He glances back at the beautiful flushed girl in front of him, his heart hammering from nearly the sight of her bright loving green eyes staring at his own.

"Are... you really sure we should do this tonight?" He leans over and asks between kisses.

From what Suguru knows, Amati has never done this before. Yet she obviously knows how big this step is. How big this choice is.

And he knows it too.
He... knows it yet...

His thoughts stop when her fingers tangle in his hair and her forehead rests on his. "Yes. I can't wait any longer."

He wishes that she said she can.

With one swift motion, Amati is on her back and Geto is over her. Their clothes are now a full set on the floor, and only the moonlight gives a slight luminous highlight to the edges of their skin in the dark.

Geto kisses her lips, parting them and sliding his tongue inside, probing and exploring. He moans softly when she kisses back, hungrier, wilder, until their tongues fight in a war.

One hand cups her jaw, pulling her in deeper, while his other fingers softly caress her side, over her hips, her stomach, lower, lower...

"Suguru?" She sucks in a breath when he dips his hand low between her legs. She shivers, her hands become fists in his hair and it makes him more hungrier.

He grins slyly against her lips as he watches her expressions. His pulls back slightly as his fingers feel her folds, gathering her already dripping juices. She feels so... perfect. So, so perfect...

"Suguru..." she starts to protest, cheeks red and embarrassed, but he stops her with his other thumb brushing over her lips.

"There's nothing to be worried about." He assures as he hungrily kisses her again, rubbing circular motions with his fingers, teasing over her clit.

Amati's hips buck, her lips part in a moan and Geto uses the chance to slide his tongue in again, taking her whole breath and his along with it.

He's struck. Struck with how much she can make him feel. Whether emotionally, or physically... no one can ever make him feel this way. No one.

With a moan from him, his fingers tease her hole, making her whimper and grab onto him tighter. Without warning, he inserts one finger.

"Mmfgh!" She claws at his back, breathing heavily. Her whole body is flushed and hot underneath him, melting at the foreign feeling of his finger being sheathed deep inside of her.

He smiles against her neck, sucking and biting, cherishing the feeling of her tight walls squeezing around him. "Ah..." Amati winces when he pushes in deeper.

"You sure about this?" He asks as he kisses down her collar bone.

"Uhh..." she groans as he spreads her insides, answering his question by spreading her legs wider for him.

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