Chapter Fifty Eight

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Authors note:
Wanted to edit this chapter because my writing skills changed a lot and every time I tell myself to read this fabulous ending to my book I suddenly have the unhinged desire to scrub my existence from the face of the earth due to the cringe I bring upon myself so here goes nothing

But I can't edit every sentence because the comments will be gone :( so I'll just edit some things here and there

No I'm not okay after chapter 236 and writing is my way of coping guys😍 you'll see me more again!

Amati Tanaka



The patch face curse throws her to the ground again, pinning her so that she struggles to get up. It's been fucking eight minutes. I can't fight anymore...

"Get off of her!" Satoru yells.

"Fuck..." Amati cries through clenched teeth. Her domain used too much of her Cursed Energy, as well as her physical strength.

"Mahito." Suguru says.

The curse called Mahito forces Amati to sit up, but keeps her arms behind her. She tries to fight him but her arms are useless, strengthless.

Suguru crouches before her, and she tries to kick him, but he blocks it easily, pinning her leg to the ground with one hand.

"Why are you doing this?" Amati asks, clearly uncomfortable with the position she's in.

"There are plans I cannot reveal," he says with a smile, "You and Satoru will be in my way of following them. The only reasonable thing to do is cut you down first."

Amati watches him speak with a dark expression on her face. Something isn't right. Suguru isn't like this... not even years with a dark path could make him like this... she's silent for a moment but with the energy she has left, she knocks the back of her head into Mahito's forehead, causing the curse's grip to loosen over her wrists.

She immediately grabs her blade from beside her and slices across Suguru's chest, extending her swing to slice into Mahito's side.

Suguru stumbles back, and she uses the advantage to run to Satoru. Please don't cave in... She tells her body. Please...

Satoru said that Suguru's right arm has been cut off back when he killed him. Whatever it was that healed the arm can heal that injury. She doesn't have much time.

Amati kneels before him, stopping long enough to take a breath. She lifts a hand to his face, wiping the blood under his eye. "He's not Suguru, is he?"

Gojo shakes his head. "No. He's not. His body has been taken over. It's a technique that allows him to use the body and innate techniques as if he's the original. He also can access memories."

She nods. It makes sense now.

"What happened?" He asks her.

He doesn't have to explain his question. It is obvious what he means. Why is she weak, why isn't she fighting like she's supposed to? Where's her Cursed Energy?

Her hand drops from his cheek. "I messed up." She says quietly. She was too selfish. She didn't care about anything except why she couldn't feel Satoru's Cursed Energy. She weakened herself just to see what happened, and look where it brought her. "I used my domain on a special grade, even though I knew it would weaken me." Her voice grows thick with prisoned tears.

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