Chapter Twenty Two

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Amati Tanaka:

She softens her fall using her Gravity, stepping soundlessly on the soft grass. She pulls her hoodie over her head and looks behind her at Jujutsu High, her heart thundering.

One thought surfaces above all others.

I don't want to leave.

She gives a pained look, her memories of this place, her fake scenarios of living here again with everything being alright... She turns her head back around, forcing the thoughts down. She doesn't belong here anymore. She's not even welcomed here.

She uses her Time Bending Technique, making use of the five minutes to reach the city rooftops, where no one can see her or stop her.

It's night time, the city lights painting the buildings in all the different colors possible. Amati lets go of her Technique, and movement resumes.

Wind hits her, the smell of humidity following. She gazes at the sky, the dark clouds, the half moon above. This sight... It's the same as it is in America, except that country isn't her home. Japan is. She was raised here, taught here, she felt love, excitement, pain, misery. All these memories she has of this place tug at her heart harder that she wanted them to. She misses it here. Oh how she regrets ever following her useless decision ten years ago.

Maybe... If she hadn't left... she wouldn't have broken so hard.

She glances at the edge of the roof of the skyscraper she stands on. She steps closer, looking down, watching as people walk the streets, cars maneuvering at the corners, the doors of shops opening and closing.

Its beautiful here. It really is.

But, this isn't her place anymore. The world isn't her place anymore. She lost everything.

Her lover, her child, her friends, her health.

Her mind.

Her eyes unfocus as she thinks. The streets below seem like they're calling to her. Attracting her.

It's... so high. So... mesmerizing.

This height, would it feel free and alright to fall and let the wind take her?

She breathes deeply through her nose, blood pumping in her ears.

Her foot moves closer to the edge.




And a hand grabs the back of her hoodie, stopping her.

"What do you think you're doing?" Gojo whispers in her ear from behind.

Her eyes widen, heart pounding harshly against her chest.

He pulls her back, and she stumbles into him.

"Were you just about to jump off?" He hisses at her.

She doesn't respond. She can't talk, frozen in place. Afraid.

Gojo sighs. "You think I wouldn't see your attempt to flee? Again?"

The word 'again' hit harder than she wanted. She hates this. She fucking hates this. "Let me go." She says, head bent down.

"To think I'd let you..." he says, turning her around. "You really forgot a lot about me, Amati."

She clenches her fists, nails biting into her palm. Her hair falls to the sides of her face, hiding her unreadable expression. "You yourself told me to leave." She says. "That's what I'm doing."

To Infinity and Back //S. Gojo x OC//Where stories live. Discover now