Chapter Twenty Six

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Amati Tanaka

The streets are crowded here. People walking, talking, children laughing or crying. Amati used to never hate the noise, or the mess of people and city stuff.

She used to love it, and find comfort in all the chaos.

Now... she feels like closing her ears and eyes until it all goes away.

"You alright?" Gojo asks upon seeing the discomfort in her face.

The feeling of eyes on her as people pass by them makes her uneasy. She feels like cleaning herself from the gazes not knowing how.

"I'm fine." She says, instead focusing on the Cursed Energy. She better find that shitty Cursed Spirit and kill it and go back to Jujutsu High.

"I found it." Gojo grins.

"Liar." She closes her eyes, trying to sense the energy around her.

"I'm not lying." He insists.

Then, she feels it. A strong disgusting presence. From her right.

She moves in high speed, but Gojo beats her somehow.

But when they reach the place, there's nothing.

"Must be in the walls." Gojo says.

"Nah. It's gone." She crosses her arms at the lack of Cursed Energy that was just here a while ago.

"You know what? What if we split?" Gojo says, fingers on his chin.

"It might not be a fair game."

"Who cares."

"I do." She pouts. "But fine. I take the left. You take the right."

"Oh really? And why the left?"

"Because... I don't know. Feels like the Spirit is somewhere there."

"Have fun in the right." He waves and starts walking.

"Wait!" She yells. "Satoru! I'm left!"

"You didn't even ask for my opinion. Which is rude."

"Satoru, you—"

He disappears.

"SATORU!" She kicks a trash can over, attracting attention.

I'll choke him to death when I see him...

She sighs and turns, having no choice but to take the right.

But then it comes to her brain.

Her Time Bending Technique.

She smiles slyly and with a quick gesture, everything turns black and white and all motions stop.

She uses a good six minutes to her advantage until she finds the Cursed Spirit, frozen in time, aiming to attack some human being who has no idea what's going on.

She brings the time back as she swings her blade up, slicing the Cursed Spirit into two.

She quickly takes a selfie just before the Cursed Spirit disappears, and sends it to Satoru, with a message after it.

•looser :)

After a few seconds, he sees the message.

wait— ah. Fucking time technique.

muahahaha I win ✌🏻⭐️

After a minute, he sends a photo. A selfie with a trash bin behind him. He edited the photo with text over the bin saying, the fucks I give.

To Infinity and Back //S. Gojo x OC//Where stories live. Discover now