//Christmas Special Chapter//

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What if Shibuya never happened? :')

So this chapter is basically that, with Christmas season cuz today is Christmas.

Merry Christmas to those who celebrate it ☃🎁🎄


Amati Tanaka

"Amati?" Gojo asks a sleeping Amati on a late dark winter night.

"Hmm..." She shifts slightly in his arms, snuggling closer under the covers.

"I think we should buy some more Christmas stuff before people take 'em all."

"There's still time, you annoying ass." She grumbles. "Lemme sleep..." She dozes off.

"Still time? Only five days! Why don't we go now? No one is awake except the store owners."

"I. Want. To. Sleep." She whines, "go by yourself." She turns over.

A pause. "Ah, fuck it. I've always wanted to this ever since our relationship." He says and Amati has no idea how she's suddenly on his back in a street.


"Ah come on, just hold tight." He smiles.

Amati is really cranky when she's sleepy. "But I'm tired!" She cries. "I wanna sleeeeeeep."

"You won't be anymore after a hot chocolate."

"Hot chocolate?" She's suddenly not-so-sleepy-anymore. "Okay."

She snuggles into his neck, taking in the scent of him, tightening her legs around his hips.

Gojo starts walking, the city quiet in the dark cold night. Amati is glad she's wearing her fuzzy red pajamas with white wool from the inside, because it's actually really cold.

She decides to tease him a little, and kisses the side of his neck, biting and nibbling at his skin.

He lets out a sound, which informs Amati that he's turned on. Hehe I bet he'll just turn around and head back home to continue what I starte--

"After buying our stuff, I'll show just how nice I take teasing, alright?"

Amati chuckles, still kissing his skin, which is surprisingly warm in the cold weather. "We'll see about that."

Satoru walks to a stall that sells hot beverages, asking Amati what she would like to drink.

"Hot chocolate and caramel." She says against his neck, not caring that the man is looking at them judgingly.

"Two hot chocolates and caramel then." Gojo tells the man who does as asked and hands them two identical steamy cups. Nearing a bench, Amati gets off of Gojo, almost shivering at the the cold that replaces the warmth of his back.

They sit on the bench, Amati snuggling into him as she sips her warm hot chocolate, watching all those decorative lights and Christmas decorations in the park, buildings and stores.

"You still sleepy?" He asks, blowing lightly on his hot chocolate.

"No." She admits, resting her head on his shoulder. "At least not to the point to be cranky about it."

He chuckles, putting an arm around her to pull her closer. "You know..." He starts. "The buying stuff was more of an excuse just to be with you."

She glances up at him, smiling. "And I'm not complaining." She kisses him softly on the cheek. "It's been a busy month for all of us. We hardly had anytime for ourselves."

He plays with the strands of her hair at the back of her head. "True."

The sit in silence, enjoying the view of a decorated Tokyo, the delicious hot chocolate, and each other.

"Ah, it's snowing." He points as snowflakes silently drop to the ground.

Amati smiles and let's her hand out, small crystallized snowflakes dropping on her sleeve. She brings her arm closer to inspect them. "Wow." She breathes.

The snowflakes are actually crystallized in beautiful shapes and sizes, each one different than the other.

"I didn't know snowflakes actually looked like this." She says. "They're so... Detailed."

Satoru smiles. "And as beautiful as the woman beside me." He kisses her the moment she looks up, and she smiles back, kissing him harder.

"Mmm... Chocolate-y." He teases as he licks her lips before parting.

She gives him a look, but her smile is still on her face.

After finishing their hot chocolate, they throw the plastic cups in the trash can nearby, and Gojo tells Amati to hop back on his back, which she does 'cause she liked the idea.

"Why are you so warm, huh?" She asks as she tightens her hold on him, burying her face in the crook of his neck. "I'm actually freezing with this snow."

"Ah, hold on, Ami. We're almost at that shop."

"Better be soon." She mumbles, continuing her game of teasing him, her legs wrapped around his hips dangerously going to private territory.

"Ami--" he breathes, not knowing whether to stop her or not. "You will sure get it when we go back home."

"Hmm." She says against his skin, increasing the pressure below.

With a few turns, they're right before a Christmas shop, and Gojo beams with childish excitement. Amati gets off his back and he takes her hand, dragging her inside.

Ah the store is pretty, decorated with all Christmas things, the sweets, cakes, chocolate, ornaments, trees, toys, and other objects filling the entire place.

"Get whatever you want." He nods at the store, and Amati grins, this time she's dragging Satoru around the store.

They ignore the stares from the few people still awake and in this store, looking at their pajamas.

They try almost all the sweets, buy their favorite ones, and then buy gifts and more decorations for their house.

Amati patiently waits outside while Gojo teleports again and again from the shop to their house to put all those stuff there without carrying them all the way.

When he's done, he surprises Amati by teleporting the both on his bed, a devilish look on his face in the moon lighted room.

"Aw, is this because of the teasing?" She purses her lips.

"You can't tease me and get away with it." He says, surprising her again with a kiss that lasts long and hot.

"Oh really?" She asks as he pulls away. "And what can you do about it?"

"Just watch and see." He grins, discarding both their clothes one by one for a steamy wintery night.


Hehehehe what are ya planning Gojo??

Hope u liked this chap💙 Also two or maybe even three chapters of You Alone Define Yourself will be posted today, but maybe a little late but still as a Christmas gift.

And as for book 2 I might be able to post next chapter if I managed to edit it well first

Have a great day!💙💙

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