Chapter Thirty Six

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Gojo Satoru


"It was on purpose, wasn't it?" Satoru asks Ijichi.

He got a call an hour ago that Yuji died. He came here as fast as he could, only to realize that, yes Yuji died, but it's much deeper than that.

Ijichi's face turns hot and he starts sweating. "You say that but..." Satoru can literally hear the man's heartbeat from here.

"Dispatching first years to rescue five people with unclear information whether they are alive or dead... And on top of that, having them go up against a High Grade opponent... It's unreal." Gojo shakes his hair, giving Ijichi a look.

He leans forward, resting his elbow on his knee.

He knew something was up when he left. And Amati being sent out to another mission which left the students unprotected with Ijichi was no coincidence. Turns out Ijichi has planned this all along with the fucking Higher ups.

"I did the impossible and granted Yuji an indefinite postponement of his death penalty. What's really messed up is that you stealthily disposed of him in Amati's and my absence with the help of a High Grade curse. That's what this is, isn't it?" Gojo adds.

Ijichi starts trembling under Satoru's words.

"Even if the other two died, you thought doing something to spite me would kill two birds in one stone, didn't you?" Gojo continues.

"No..." Ijichi forces out. "But when the dispatch was decided, no one expected it to become a High Grade..."

"Finding the perpetrator is also troublesome." Gojo looks at the ground, thinking. "Shall I go ahead an kill all those guys at the top?" He asks through a dark tone.

Ijichi might need the bathroom if he trembles a little bit more.

"I've never seen you so emotional." A new voice says. "You were really fond of him, huh?" Shoko asks as she walks in the lab.

"Well, I am a nice guy who is fond of his students." Gojo points out.

Shook sighs. "Don't pick on Ijichi too much. It's hard having to stand between us and the Higher ups." Gojo swears he sees Ijichi sparkle at Shoko's words.

"I don't give a damn about guy's hardships." Gojo interjects.

"Heh, is that so?" Shoko scoffs, knowing Satoru lies. She walks towards the corpse of Yuji, and pulls off the cover. "So this is Sukuna's host... I can dissect him however I want right?"

"Just make good use of him." Gojo says.

"Of course." Shoko pulls on her gloves. "Who do you think you're talking to?"

"What. The hell. Just happened."

They all turn around to find Amati at the door.

She has a dark look on her face, and her right side is darkened by blood.

"Ami?! Are you alri--" Shoko starts, but Amati cuts her off by heading over to Ijichi.

"I heard everything." Amati says through her teeth as she nears Ijichi. "We fucking trusted you, and there you go sending Satoru and I off to kill one of our students when you know you shouldn't!"

"I--I didn't want to!" Ijichi defends himself.

Amati was about to yell something, but she winces in pain, almost stumbling to her side was Gojo not there to keep her up. "What happened?" He asks her, being fully aware at the huge amount of blood leaking from her side.

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