Chapter Forty Five

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Amati Tanaka:


After she and Nobara bought their dresses for the party, Gojo took Amati to his house which is located at the far side of Tokyo.

And... the house is more than she expected.

It's beautiful, and huge, with an amazing garden outside, full of fountains and cobblestone paths.

"You've seen nothing yet." Gojo smiles, taking her hand and leading her inside. "This is the library, and I'll make sure it will have all your favorite books since I know you love reading." He says as he waves at the library before him.

Amati has never seen this many books in one household. She knows Satoru isn't that much of a reader, but what stops a rich guy from owning a library?

"I'm bringing a mattress here so I can live in this room." She says, looking through the books to see if she can find her favorite authors here.

"Where you go, I go. Keep that in mind." He smiles, pulling her away from the library to the kitchen. "Here is the kitchen." He takes her to the living room, salon, bathrooms, gym, so many places her head spins. "And my room which is now our room."

She stops at the door way, baffled by what's inside. She's never seen a cooler room than this before. A king sized bed with literally its own private living room, bookshelf, TV, a whole glass wall, wardrobe, and bathroom. There's even an aquarium here! And everything in here is worth so much money, Amati isn't sure how Satoru can actually afford all this expensive stuff. "This is amazing, Satoru."

"Oh and one more thing." Satoru grins. He takes her downstairs and outside to the backyard. "Our own private pool." He waves at the beautifully built thing. The pool looks ready for them to jump in, as the water is steaming, and the lights inside the pool are turned on.

"This is truly beautiful." She smiles, looking around at the house, the backyard and back to the pool.

"This is our house now." He takes her hand. "You and I. Just us."

"It feels too much, though." Amati says. "Like I didn't help in any of this--"

"Shh. You being here is enough." He walks over to the edge of the pool, looking at her over his shoulder. "Come on in." He says, throwing his shirt and pants on the ground, leaving him in nothing but his boxers. The sight isn't new to Amati, but she still can't help but stare at his toned body, lean muscles and heavenly figure. He gets in the pool, waiting for her to follow him.

Amati starts unbuttoning her shirt, revealing her tight gray bra underneath. She throws the shirt near Satoru's discarded clothes, and then pulls herself out of her pants.

Satoru's eyes never leave her as she walks into the pool, purposely moving slowly.

As patient as Satoru can be, yes he's the total opposite when it comes to her. She wasn't even fully dipped in the pool when he crashed into her, lips already devouring hers before she could blink.

Her arms come around his neck, pulling her body closer to his. She wraps her legs around his waist, and his hands undo her.

They softly roam over her back, down her her waist, to her hips and halfway through her legs before going back the way they came. His thumb sneaks under the hem of her bra, stealing lazy strokes on the lower part of her breasts, causing her breath to hitch.

He even goes as far as grinding his hips against hers until she feels him go hard through their thick undergarments below.

The area between her legs starts pounding, causing her breathing and heart rate to go faster.

His lips move away from hers to trail down her neck to her chest. He licks and kisses her at every space of skin he gets, even giving her some marks here and there.

"I can't hold back anymore." He says after a while.

She knows what he means by that, and she really doesn't want to ruin his expectations of her, but she can't help but feel nervous at this all.

But the feeling of him going hard against her, his hot breath against her neck, his thumbs sneaking underneath her bra...

They're changing her too soon.

Satoru's phone starts ringing and he kisses her one last time before picking it up.

It turns out to be Nobara, asking them when they're going to the party.

Deciding they need to wear their clothes for the occasion, they get out of the pool and head inside, covered up in towels.

"I think I'll be in that pool all day long from now on." She says, pulling the towel tighter across her.

Gojo laughs. "I knew you'd love it." Thy stop just before his room. "You change here while I change in another room. Meet me downstairs in ten minutes. I'll have the car out and ready."

"Alright." Amati says, before heading inside the room to wear her party clothes.


Satoru Gojo:

He's ready, and he waits for her in his car

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He's ready, and he waits for her in his car.

He pulls on his black gloves while he waits, and when the front door opens, Gojo's bones freeze in place as he looks at the view before him.

Amati wears a black dress that reaches above her knees in an inch. It's tight and made of silk, which highlights all her perfect curves and angles. Her shoulders are bare while the dress is conected to black translucent sleeves, sprinkled with little sparkling beads. Half her hair is tied up in perfect shiny curls, and she wears matching black heals that tie around her ankles.

She gets in the car beside him on the passenger seat, taking a good look at him. "Looking amazing, as always." She says, smiling. "Gotta admit, the suit is turning me on."

"Well, I don't know how I'll be able to wait a few hours until we get back here, because you in this dress is hardly keeping me sane." He whispers.

"I don't think that suit will stay on you so long if things were in my hands." She says back.

"If I had control over things, that dress would be ripped to shreds."

She gives him a cocky look, in which he returns before turning on the car and heading to Jujutsu High.


Ahem...👀 Ok next chapter will get a little spicy, but don't worry I'll give ya a warning before the spice starts in case you don't want to read mature content.

Plus next chap is short so that's why i decided to do a double update yayyy since it wasn't that worth it to publish alone so yeah...

And yes I just had to put the concept of the jjk characters wearing formal party clothing AJKSLQJDJSDJJDKS I remember squealing when I saw the official art.

I also don't know shit about where the party was lol, so imma say it's in Jujutsu High. I also don't know what it's for😀 But whatever ig

Hope y'all liked the chapter

Meet y'all next chap💙😊


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