Voting Rules

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Before we begin the main event, as readers you must know a few important rules. Please read and follow them carefully. 

1. Please vote on every piece. A lot of work and effort has gone into these stories and I'd love for all of them to be equally appreciated.

2. Read all the entries. It is important that you go through every single piece before you decide on a favourite. You will have plenty of time to read and vote, so don't be hasty with your judgement. 

3. A separate voting thread will be open for easy voting and counting. You are allowed to vote for only 2 pieces. Here is how you vote: Go to the 'Voting' page and comment with your choices in two separate comments. 

Each piece will be mentioned for easy voting. All you have to do is add an inline comment on your choice.

4. I look forward to what your thoughts for each piece are so don't be shy to comment on their respective pages! 

5. DO NOT advertise any piece.

6. DO NOT vote for your piece.

7. Please be fair when you put in your vote.

8. In case of a tie, I will use my vote, unbiased, and declare a winner. 



Once the results are declared, I request you to publish your works on your profiles. The stories will be here but after the event is over you have all the rights back to your pieces.

 The stories will be here but after the event is over you have all the rights back to your pieces

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Likhavat (2021): Writing Event | CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now