Afraid to Confess, Best to Ignore

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"Is this half-caff with soy milk and no sugar?" He asked, earning a nod from his co-worker, "And are these chocolate-filled croissants?"

"Yes, Shrav." His co-worker, Ray rolled his eyes as he wiped the counter. The clock was about to strike eight, welcoming the busiest time of the day with university students and office workers buzzing in the cosy café for something warm and toasty.

"Pass me the vanilla ice cream and choc syrup too." He asked and once he got all that he wanted, got to work. He slapped a scoop of ice cream on each croissant and squeezed a generous amount of the choc syrup in a zig-zag pattern. Satisfied with being done right on time, he tilted his head to look at the clock.

In three, two, one-


"I don't understand their problem. I've made myself clear time and again, that I don't want to choose between my parents. I'll stay with either both or alone." The girl, who entered with a friend of hers, slumped on the chair and held her face in her hands, her elbows propped on the mahogany table. Tears pricked her eyes at the predicament she was in and she prayed no child would have to go through the torture of having to choose between their parents.

Meanwhile, Shravan stood behind the counter watching her closely. The girl who entered now wasn't the Sumo he knew. She was someone else, whose eyes reflected incomprehensible grief and whose staggered posture gave away her failure. Her hurt pained his heart, like always.

His face suddenly lit up and he dashed into the storeroom. He began rummaging through the box of chocolates, they normally gave away to kids or when the customer spent a certain amount of money and stopped when he found the desired tray of chocolates. Ferrero Rocher. They were her favourite- he recalled, and a smile made its way to his lips. He pulled his pen out of his pocket, tore a page out of the notebook and began writing away,

Problems are part and parcel of life. You may think they're made to push you to the ground, whereas they're meant to pull you back up stronger and mightier than before. You may think you won't come out of it when in reality you're halfway through the tunnel. Just hang in, you're almost there.

Likhavat (2021): Writing Event | CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now