The Son of Dairyman

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"Suman Tiwari!"

"Gwak.. ywak .. Yes.. uayakk Mummy!"

" What are these strange noises?" Suman's mother, Priya asked.

"She is jogging her intestines." Suman's brother Pushkar piped in.

"Shut up Pushy!! Mummy, I am- blech- drinking milk."

"Don't Pushy me! You crippled hyena!"

"Quite down both of you! And Suman you hate milk. I have to chase you to drink even a few sips, so WHY are you drinking milk voluntarily all of a sudden?"

Suman flushed at the question " Um- Mummy you said I should drink milk-"

"No, I have not! Not for at least last ten years I have given up asking you to drink milk."

" Er- it's healthy- "

"So is going to bed early and waking up early morning. Are you going to do that too? Eat green vegetables?"

" -And not talk on mobile for hours or- owe!" Pushkar's helpful list was interrupted by a cushion landing on his face "- or bully her innocent kid brother!!" He continued unabashed.

"Mummy I could try to wake up early. Only to help you. Um- Maybe take milk... Only to help you." Suman said in a rush.

"Ramnath uncle will have a heart attack if he sees you in your zombie state first thing in the morning." Pushkar chortled dodging the next cushion missile as Suman flung it towards him.

"These days he does not come to deliver milk. His son-" Suman stopped abruptly.


"Oh Yes! These days the walking Eiffel Tower rings our doorbell early morning." Pushkar grinned at his own comment.

"Suman, what is going on?" Her mother asked narrowing her eyes in suspicion.

Likhavat (2021): Writing Event | CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now