Brisk Declaration

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With calculated steps, Shravan made a move toward the bench, which was still residing on its position even after all these years, holding so many memories, bittersweet memories. He sat there, placing the two disposable paper coffee cups beside him which were in his hands minutes before.

Shravan loves winter even though it comes with its own share of downside like a blobby red nose, cheeks that feel rubbed raw, wet hair that almost freezes, fingers that move slowly, a warm mouth and all-time numb extremities.

He rubbed his hands together feeling cold and pushed them inside his hoddie's pockets. It wasn't teeth-chattering cold but still cold enough to make his nose and earlobes red early in the morning.

He waited for almost half an hour, continuously tapping his feet on the ground. Then took out his phone and called her.

"Sumo yaar" He whined like a child.

"Sorry sorry sorry just give me ten more minutes I will be there pakka. " She almost spouted, like when someone is running chores while talking on the phone simultaneously.

He tutted over when she disconnected the phone call. Suman Tiwari has always been his weakness since the day they bumped into each other in the school's corridor for the first time.

After that even he didn't know how and when, but slowly yet deeply, he started to like her. Maybe it was her sparkling smile, maybe it was her gleaming eyes, maybe it was her chubby cheeks, maybe it was her carefree attitude, maybe it was the food she used to make for him as a thank you for doing her homework, maybe it was the way she used to look at him with that cute expression on her face, maybe it was how she used to ask him weird questions, maybe it was in those long hour conversations they used to have which didn't make sense at all, maybe it was the way he used to adore her from distance and think how crazy she was.

Whatever it was, it was enough to make him fall head over heels in love with her and there was no turning back. One fine day, the rain witnessed the longing of the two hearts, one took out everything she had to say and the other took all of that in, gladly, at the cafe. When she said, she will wait for him to open up, what he has got to say and ask her out for coffee. Both of them were well aware of what they were talking about. He wanted to call her the next day only but decided to wait instead, to let things fall in place and for the right time to come because no reciprocation of what he was feeling intensely would break his heart at this time. He didn't want to take the risk so decided to be hundred per cent sure of her feelings.

Likhavat (2021): Writing Event | CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now