The sands of Time

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Time is valuable, it's precious and limited. We never know how much time we have before we die and for everyone it is different.

Yet, Witches live for hundreds of years, and time becomes meaningless after a while. It drones on and on and we continue to age as time moves slowly forward. Facing a several hundred year existence could make you mad, like my sister Edinayc. Having a partner to accompany you through a long existence makes a difference on one's mind. Time doesn't move as slow when you're with someone and time passes faster when there is someone to talk too.

Time is important to regular humans, they only have a small window of time to complete all their goals in life, while witches have ten fold the time to complete life goals.

Still, time consumed Thorn and I, we were caught in a never ending cycle that could only be stopped by death.

We could have done so much more if we had put all of our time to good use, but we didn't. We wasted it.

Time should not be wasted, even if you're a witch.

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